Cornish x's vs Heavy Breed Cockerels Any suggestions


11 Years
May 12, 2008
Okay I have decided to do a fall brooding--put up some birds for the fall/winter--so I am wondering if I go with a Cornish Cross, A JM Hatchery FR, or just plain ole Heavy Breeds....Anyone want to weigh in...

I am thinking either 25 or 35 to start...
Cornish X.

I have tried to raise heavy breed roosters as fryers (I am assuming you are wanting them for frying, BBQing etc) and it was not worth the time or feed to get them to a decent weight for butchering.

I was very dissapointed with the carcuss after slaughter. I ended up butchering at around 5 months. I didn't want them to get too tough.

IMHO, go with the cornish x, you will not be disappointed, except maybe with the fact that they are nasty little buggers while living but tasty on the grill.
ty, In mho, that is exactly what I was thinking...but don't have the experience to know....
There are people who do not like cornish x's and I have no clue why they feel that way.

Mine have always been gorgeous big birds, well feathered and very docile.

I will be doing cornish x's this fall.
I will keep that in mind.

I have 30 Color rangers from JM HAtchery in the brooder right now, I had read such icky things about CX. These little chickies are very active and nuts!!
This is my first try at meaties . I will probably try CX the next batch just to see what I prefer!

Good luck on whatever you decide and have fun!
Well it took me a while to get here, but I have decided to commit to the lifestyle as much as I can. It no longer makes sense to buy someoneelse's chickens in the market when I know what goes into each and every one in my yard. I have read such good things about quality, taste and sense of pride from other BYC'ers that I am ready to spread my wings...I waited until now--cause August in SE PA is like Pea Soup and usually very hot to boot...I considered buying local--which is what I will do until I get a batch to butchering weight, but I figure I can do this....

I got my ducks from JM and I couldn't be happier with them--so next season I may try some FR as they are not that far from me locally and I won't have to pay shipping.
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I tried to butcher some of my buff orpingtons and although they made wonderful broth, they were very poor meat producers. They were not tough but just did not have enough meat on them.

I want to get some cornish xs and some birds from JM Hatchery and do a comparison.

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