Coronation sussex


In the Brooder
Jun 12, 2016
I am planning on getting a pair of Coronation Sussex at the end of this month from a breeder in our state. Not finding much current info on BYC. Anyone have any input on this breed? This will be our first roo and I want to make sure he's not agressive, but large and a good protector. From what I can find the Coronation Sussex would be a good choice. Any input would be appreciated. They are so pretty!
Also, my husband thinks I'm crazy but is $90 for a pair too much?
Not if they are from show quality stock.
There is never any guarantee that the rooster will be respectful towards you. There are a few ways to ensure that he never sees you as competition or a threat. It all boils down to your attitude. You have to be the one in charge, and you have to act like it. Never back away. Always make him get out of your way. And don't try to make him into a cuddly pet.

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