Coturnix Chick Died Mysteriously


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 27, 2013
Hello! I just joined the site! We are raising Coturnix Chicks(or that's what they are supposed to be) for my science class. Anyways, one died in my hands today and I was very cuious as to why he died. He was born not 1 hour ago and it worries me. His poop was greenish white and gooey. He was very tired and lethargic and only had a few drop of water and no food. His stomach/intestine area was VERY bloated and his poop wasnt coming out all the way. I believe he was impacted. I know for poultry its different but with guinea pigs they get impacted and cannot excrete poop. That what i believe was wrong with him. Sorry if spelling is off, i am in school now trying to get the answer. Thanks guys!

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