Coturnix in winter?

Peep boy

Jul 20, 2015
St. Stephen, MN
Hello! Wondering how coturnix fair in winter? I am in zone 3. It is just ideas now, but could I build a pigeon and quail coop? Maybe one wall I put in a rack of quail cages. Just like to expand my knowledge. Thanks!
I'm not sure what 'zone 3' means (I'm from a different country) but mine are outside on the ground in a covered run and they have survived the wind, the rain and occasional frosty morning where I am. I keep a deep bed of straw in there so they can bury themselves and there are two houses they can hide in. They are hardy birds and as long as they can get out of the wind and aren't on bare wire (ie have some bedding to keep their feet warm) they'll be fine outside. You might want to check that quail are ok to keep in the same space as pigeons though - ask on the pigeon forum.
Thank you! I live in MN, and we get pretty cold winters. We get some days that drop well below 0 (Fahrenheit). I would keep them inside the coop in the winter. Do you need cocks to get eggs?
Coturnix are pretty hardy and if acclimated right can handle up to -45 F in winter. They will need a good shelter that protects them from the wind and chills though.
The girls will lay you yummy eggs whether or not you have a cock. One girl will take the lead and may even tidbit to the others when there isn't a male about.
Nice! I guess then I could keep just some hens and then one breeding trio for new birds. Thanks so much!

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