Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

On the topic of scalping I just bought 10 quail and some of them are missing alot of feathers head neck one is missing half the ones on its back. Is this normal are do I have a problem.

We have one male that gets picked on by everyone we try to put him with, so we picked up something at the local feed store called "Pick No More Cover Up Lotion" he looks like he is wearing a leather helmet
but I think he gets relief now, If it is a female you may want to move her with a less aggressive Roo give her a little break
Thnx for the gr8 information! I have brown coturnix quail hatching on July 5 th. It is my first time hatching quail and i amd soooooo excited! I really hope that they hatch!
we picked up 10 coturnix/pharaoh quail this weekend (the lady said they were born on june 11). we have a coop set up for them.

when can we put the chicks in the coop? the coop is for them and them alone.
we picked up 10 coturnix/pharaoh quail this weekend (the lady said they were born on june 11). we have a coop set up for them.

when can we put the chicks in the coop? the coop is for them and them alone.
All depends on how big the mesh is. I moved some Tennessee Reds and Bobwhites into a bigger pen and within seconds they were squeezing through the fencing. They were 3-4 weeks old. Yours should be about 2 weeks old and feathering out well.
we picked up 10 coturnix/pharaoh quail this weekend (the lady said they were born on june 11). we have a coop set up for them.

when can we put the chicks in the coop? the coop is for them and them alone.
Two weeks old is a bit young to have them out of a brooder, they should still have their temperature regulated at about 85 day and night. Any high temp spikes are a concern as much as dips since they can't balance their heat well at that age. The earliest you should pull them from the brooder is about three to five weeks, but that will depend on the development of your birds. You want to look for full feathering under the wings, not just a few but a thick cover.
Also the size of the wire of your coop would be a concern too.

It always amazes me how they are so little and want to act like they are the toughest lil birds out there sometimes

I'm with ya! I've seen them pick on each other hours after hatching! Still in the incubator, they will be pulling each others legs and wings
. I am learning to tell their different chirps. I know----------"I'm new", "I'm cold" and "Let go of my leg!"
I'm with ya! I've seen them pick on each other hours after hatching! Still in the incubator, they will be pulling each others legs and wings
. I am learning to tell their different chirps. I know----------"I'm new", "I'm cold" and "Let go of my leg!"
Now that's some funny stuff right there! I had them lil buggers escape from the cage. And been trying to lure them back in. I caught one and it's funny cuz I've started to recognize the 'I'm hungry, I'm lonely, and "Hey guys come break me out"

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