Coturnix Quail in Los Angeles ?


5 Years
Apr 19, 2014
Hi, I am looking to find some coturnix quail in Los Angeles.
I saw a thread that listed a store in LA, but that has since closed...

Anyone know some place I can locally get ~4 coturnix quail?
Am I better off getting hatching eggs online, or chicks online? If so, where is actually good?

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Check craigslist for adult birds or chicks. if you have an incubator or can purchase one the sky is the limit on egg sellers. There are bound to be some people in LA raising birds, finding them if they aren't on CL or BYC may be a chore.
I live in Ventura and am incubating some eggs now, and will be putting in a large clutch the beginning of May, PM if you'd be interested we could work something out I'm sure
Thank you for the information.
Decided already and ordered an incubator and can order good fertile eggs here soon.
I'm not interested in driving far for the quail materials, and only interested in Coturnix at the moment - but thanks again
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Lucky you. I wish I could just buy an incubator. I can't find anyone (close enough) selling day-old or adult female quails in San Diego.
Maybe I'll make a rough incubator...
Soon someone will realize the market potential behind a much more cost-friendly incubator. The tech has been around long enough, its 2014 now- no reason for these things to cost so much!
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Soon someone will realize the market potential behind a much more cost-friendly incubator. The tech has been around long enough, its 2014 now- no reason for these things to cost so much!
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Cheap incubators don't work that well, it costs a certain amount of money for the proper components if you wan't something that performs and lasts. You are much better off making your own if you going to spend less than $100 on an incubator.

These cost me $160 to make and $110 is for auto-turners.

This one can be made for $40. in the picture the wire frame and water tub aren't present.

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