Coturnix that lay rotten eggs?


10 Years
Mar 9, 2009
Skagit County, NW Washington
OK, a little background -I hatched eggs myself and at exactly 6 weeks, I got 3 eggs. 2 had been pecked open and one literally exploded in my hand. Rotten, stinky rotten and looked like puss. I assumed that I had missed them somehow and they rotted from the heat. That very night, a dog broke into the pen and killed half of them. There is now 6 remaining. One is a rooster for sure (Golden), but the others I am unsure (not good at vent sexing and they are tuxedo, white, rosetta and 2 tibetan.) I fed/watered today at around 4pm. No eggs and they are now 8 1/2 weeks old (I knew they would stop laying after the dog attack from stress). Then, I went out to cool off (it is mid 80's here today and now it's finally cooled down outside, but no inside yet). Anyhow, checked again at 9pm and there was now 2 eggs. I noticed they felt rather ''light'' - so I float tested them. They floated like bobbers. I broke one open and it looked like puss! Light gray and thick, gross! Could the eggs have gotten ''cooked'' in mid 80 temps in just a few short hours (the quail are in a ground pen with wire sides, but a solid top for lots of shade - the eggs would have been in shade the whole time). Has anybody had quail that laid bad eggs????
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Never heard of this... perhaps the eggs are sitting onside the hens for too long, I dunno this is a hard one
so, I hadn't gotten any more eggs from any of them after this - until yesterday. I got one, and it 'float tested' fine (it sank). So, maybe the two eggs I got last week were held in by the hens for too long? Just weird. None yet today.

I have 6 birds left after the attack - and after watching their behavior, I think I have 3 hens and 3 roosters. The big golden that is obviously a rooster (chest has no flecks and he crows) was chasing off 2 smaller tibetan birds and letting the other 3 drink after I gave them fresh water. So, I think the two tibetan's are probably roosters since he was being mean to them (and not the way roosters are 'mean' to hens, LOL.)
I have 6 hens and 1 rooster (Jumbo Browns) in a pen. The hens have all been laying nice big eggs, one a day. Now for 2 days in a row I am getting one egg that is super light weight, and very smelly inside! I can tell immediately when I pick it up that something is 'wrong' with it and when I crack it open it is like puss and super stinky! I have no idea why this is happening, there have been no changes to their environment or food, and I have no idea which hen is laying the 'rotten egg'. Any ideas out there...??? NEED HELP!

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