Could I do this to the roost?


12 Years
Dec 27, 2007
I was thinking about covering my ladder style roost in contact paper so that it'd be easier to keep clean. BUT then I started thinking that it could potentially make the chickens feet slip. What do you all think?
what about a spray paint with a grit in it? would provide a rough surface to grip but be durable enough to clean easy
I think it would be too slippery. All I use is DE. I spread a lot under the roost so its easier to clean and then I sprinkle a little on the roost as well. So all I have to do if it gets dirt is wipe/sweep it off.
Ok, definately sounds like it'd be to slippery!! LOL
On the suggestion about spray paint with grit...I read somewhere on here that the grit could actually cause bumblefoot.
A suggestion for everyone as it relates to roosts and cleaning.

I made mine so that I can remove them take them in the yard and give them a good scrubing, I do this once a month. I do this to reduce my risk to scaley leg mites. I use a bleach solution to clean them and let them dry/disinfect in the sun all day.

I built the ladder style. I attached a 2x4 to the back coop wall then attached the big hooks to the end of the ladder and eyes to the 2x4 on the wall.

Easy to remove and clean.
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Chickaroo! :

I was thinking about covering my ladder style roost in contact paper so that it'd be easier to keep clean. BUT then I started thinking that it could potentially make the chickens feet slip. What do you all think?

Like everyone else says. I think it would be a massively bad idea. Too slippery (and you would NOT want to add anything abrasive for traction), plus it will just come apart. Oh, and if you have even *one* roost mite, it will hide under the contact paper and become millions.

A 2x4 is really really not difficult to clean. If you are concerned, pick one without defects (knots, gouges, etc) and apply a light coating or three of mineral or linseed oil.

I really have NO trouble scraping poo off my roosts, though, and I can't think why it'd be any different for you.

Good luck and have fun,

Well, my DH thought that it'd look nicer if I painted the roosts (to match the nesting boxes) so that's what I did. I guess I could use a bleach/water solution and a good, stiff wire brush
To make it non slip, you could nail flat wooden pieces to use as toe holds about four inches apart all the way up the ramp. Should be easy enough to clean...

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