could she be a he?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 6, 2013
second star to the right

was sold to us add an americauna hen, but she's so much bigger than our other hens. She doesn't crow though, and is about 5 months
Are you sure it's 20 weeks old??

That sure looks like an Ameracuana/EE rooster, but more like what a 14-16 week old would look like.

The coloring is what does it. I'd say late to mature roo. Every one I've hatched and raised that color has been a Roo without fail, although they are usually crowing by 20 weeks.
The second picture's are about a month old, we got him at three months old at the end of April.
Thanks, that's what I though, now I need to figure out if the hens are too few

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