could this be the chicken laying blue green eggs

That's what a rooster's pea comb will look like.
Post pics of all your hens. You are probably looking for a bird with a beard & pea comb though it's not infallible. That "Orpington" behind looks suspiciously bearded though it may just be the angle. The hen you pictured actually looks junglefowl'ish to me.
That pretty hen looks suspiciously like a brown leghorn. A lot of EE's are colored like that, but her body type, comb type, and earlobe color don't tell me EE. What color are her legs?
i will post picks of all the hens later we have 3 laying one of our orhingtons is a cross but we always throught it was a black buff cross here is a pick of her when she was a bit younger.


she is much bigger now an we a sure she is laying she is always in the box.
I know the picture isn't very clear but this is my green egg layer. Looks a lot like yours. Mine is from McMurray Hatchery.



She was our first to lay and I've taken the hot egg out from under her so I'm positive it's hers.
bella........your original post is a brown leghorn. While there are a few exceptions, generally birds with white earlobes lay white eggs.

Your colored layer should have a pea comb, may (or may not) have a beard. I don't think your Orp cross is it either, she has a straight comb. Lets see the rest of your girls and we can probably tell you which one it is.

And greyeyes, that is a pea comb. Hatchery pea combs look like that. My light brahma's pea comb is similar, just not as tall as she's a hen.

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