Cover/roof for run - what works well for you?


10 Years
Jul 30, 2009

I'm in the planning process for a new run, approx 10 x 12. It will need to have a good cover/roof of some sort for predator protection and I would like it to provide shade and block snow.

Current options being considered are corrugated fiberglass or metal, shade tarp, plywood. Suggestions and shared experience are greatly appreciated.

Thank you
Snow load and wind resistance are the main issues with a solid roof. The whole structure has to be safe and take those issues into account. If you are adding a roof, probably building codes and permits apply. If it's farm and permits aren't an issue, still build it safe! Mary
I have a 2x4 welded wire run roof, I put up shade cloth on part of it in the summer,
and have to watch the snow doesn't stick in the winter.
I keep a path shoveled out in winter for my access to knock snow down and provide better space for the birds to come outside.

If you plan on it holding snow load, better make the roof rafters and supporting framework good and sturdy.
Where are you much snow are we talking about?
Putting your location in your profile helps folks give better answers/suggestions.

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