Coyotes :(

This isn't what I needed to hear...
We've always had coyotes. Lately, they've started running in the middle of the day. They used to just run through during night. Saw them on a deer chase two days ago. At noon. We've got chickens out, cats, and two big dogs. Nut huge, but what I hope is big enough to not get snatched up (golden retriever and brittany spaniel) but we let them in the house whenever we hear the coyotes. I didn't know the coyotes could get into a coop.
5 things I don't like about country life:
1: coyotes
2: bears
3: coyotes
4: coyotes
5: coyotes
Oh wait...that's two, isn't it?

I need to get some donkeys...
Just last week again in So Cal, there have been 2 coyote attacks on humans in a playground! A 3 year old child was attacked and mauled suffered bites to her neck and head. I don't believe in random killing, but when become habituated to a food source such as chickens or pets, in someones backyard, I believe they pose a real danger and should be eliminated.
Here here. I would never go out and kill one just because I wanted to. But at this point, if I saw one and had a gun nearby...pow.
A friend of mine had them kill one of her goats in the middle of the day, they will lure dogs out to them and kill them, I do have donkeys, but sometimes they don't do their jobs properly. Wolves used to keep coyotes in check, but people kill them more even though coyotes are more trouble.
I prefer wolves over coyotes any day, if people weren't so ignorant killing wolves with no basis, than the coyote population would stay at a good level. So save the wolves, but in the mean time, keep your animals safe. The reason a coyote would even come near a person is simple, they have lost their fear of humans. Is it because we have stopped trapping and hunting as much as we used to? No. It is because we have hurt the wrong species severely, such as wolves, and we have started to think of these animals as pets. We feed them and don't chase them away from our dog and cat feed left outside or keep our garbage cans locked and secure. We should leave nature be as it is, it balances itself out fine without the intervention of humans almost always. I respect all legal hunters that kill for meat, thinning out of herbivore populations, and those who are respectful of their environment and this world, so don't think I'm bashing. I have my opinions, which are quite strong, but I am not saying you should act like I do, I am simply justifying my concerns and reasons. Someday I'm sure people will wish coyotes back when rabbits, foxes, and coons are completely out of control, all animals that coyotes thin out. They serve a purpose and I think that they should be left wild and free. Now, if one has a history of hurting humans or has come close to doing so, it is a different matter. OP, what are you thinking of doing for your coyote problem? I hope your electric fencing works, and if it doesn't, time to talk hubby into some donkeys or llamas!

Good luck with your coyote problem!
I agree leaf. I used to see red wolves pretty frequently. We live where there are still some wild ones. Then the coyotes came. I want the wolves back, they never hurt anything.
Most folks probably won't like this post. This was taught to me by a South African gentleman.

Go to your local fishing supply, or if you're a good metal worker/smith, either build or buy the biggest treble hook you can find.

Build some kind of tripod out of steel, or wood. Make it sturdy as all get out. Tie the hook up on a rope, and hang it about 3 feet off the ground. Wrap that hook with some chicken, or whatever meat you may have on hand.

Coyote fishing.

It's going to be awful, noisy, and require a few bullets.
But it will get the job done.

Sorry, but sometimes drastic problems require drastic measures.

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