
Have you thought of using those very enexpensive roof metal panel for the top? I have them on my coop and run. They are only about 8 or 9 dollars an eight foot sheet and there is no making a hole on those and if it is angled the predators will slide right off of it/ we have coyotees to and nothing can get through the roof of our coop and run.
I bought VERY inexpensive green plastic mesh. Supposed to be chicken wire alternative but I wouldn't use it for sides. Covered entire run area with it (24 X 24) for about $20. Has worked near perfectly. Had a couple small holes I had to close up because the mockingbirds kept sneaking in to steal food. Then couldn't get out.

Definitely eliminate coyotes coming around if you can. Unless you plan on supplying them with fresh chicken all the time.
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I would at least cover the top so they cant fly out and maybe barbed wire on the outside so that if the Coyotes try and bite the fence or climb they will get that and zapped from the electric fence.
Unfortunately we had to shoot the coyote that came around our coop. We chased hollered and everything we could think of. If you live in a national park will they not come and trap it? My husband pees around the coop to discourage predators. They can't complain about that, unless they catch you at it! Good luck!
I have to pee I think I might go near the coop thanks for the idea. No Joke! A coyote can jump a 6 foot (at the most). My coop/ run is 6 feet high. I put wire over the top in different ways. To get rid of hawks too.
You would be lucky if it is only one. This time of year pairs are feeding pups, and if they find an easy chicken dinner for them, look out. You will not only need a top, but how is the base of your pen situated? Have you ever seen how fast a brush wolf can dig? And though they mainly run at night, esp. morning and evening time, you can't count out them showing up for a midday snack. Good luck and I hope you remedy your problem before you run out of chickens....
i have pyrenees/anatolian...if they hear a coyote at dusk they take off in that direction and i don't see them for 45 min or so...not sure they kill them, but i think they scare them...GET A LIVESTOCK GUARDIAN....
A .22 bullet is a good way to get rid of that problem. Use the 3 S rule. Shoot, shovel, and shut up.

Don't worry about harming the cotote population, there are millions of them....
And that's part of the problem with the SSS policy. If you shoot one, most likely another will show up. There's always going to be *something* out there that wants to eat the birds. Better to just make your coop and chicken yard secure, rather than having to constantly keep a lookout with your gun at the ready.
We have huge packs of them around here. I'm afraid you're flexible fence isn't going to work if you've been found. Even an electric fence around your other one won't last 48 hours. They're amazingly smart and will figure out how to get around it in a flash. They'll easily be able to jump over it, dig under it, whatever it takes.

The pee thing does work. I'd highly recommend you ask your DH and any other man you can talk into it to pee around your fenced area and coop. Then get a big, outdoor male dog while your building a run that resembles Fort Knox. Bury strong fencing like hardware cloth one foot down and one foot out and make your fence at least six feet tall.

We're almost done with ours.

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