Craigslist chickens?

I had a lady call me from Vegas wanting to know if my ameraucanas were EEs or true. She wanted a black ameraucana and was willing to make the entire drive. I was kinda shocked and I gave her the ameraucana breeders site so she could find someone in her area. I have had people come from as far away as New Mexico and one truck driver stopped on his way home to california.
I had a lady call me from Vegas wanting to know if my ameraucanas were EEs or true. She wanted a black ameraucana and was willing to make the entire drive. I was kinda shocked and I gave her the ameraucana breeders site so she could find someone in her area. I have had people come from as far away as New Mexico and one truck driver stopped on his way home to california.

True Ameraucanas are not that readily available. I remember Mahonri was willing to drive here to SoCal on a recent auction that I stole from under his nose.
I have sold extra cockerels via CL, but I am also very conscientious about to whom I am selling to. Money is not everything. This way I have actually made "Chicken Friends" as they are showing 4 H. The cockerels have won several "Best in Shows" and I am so proud of the kids and my former cockerels. In return once I received some hatching eggs and so I kept the whole breeding/hatching/selling thing going.
The fastest sale was 20 minutes after I had posted the add......

So far I have not bought on CL myself, mostly because I am paranoid afraid of bringing in any diseases into my flock. But if I would change my mind on that, I would certainly examine the birds and quarantine them for at least 4 weeks.
I've bought, and sold chickens on CL, as well as other things. I even met a woman who has turned out to be a very good friend. You just have to be careful, ask the right questions, and follow your instincts. The birds I got have all been very healthy and continue to do well.
I got some of my girls off craigslist. I had a good experience. The guy that sold me them is a local auctionier. Healthy, nice, chickens. No probs.
i've had pretty good experiences on craigslist. i use it to rehome chickens. It's nice to be able to sort through the emails and pick the one that sounds the best. i know several of the people who post their chickens on a regular basis in our area. i would be cautious about bringing home an adult chicken from someone i don't know. i did that once and got a chicken with fowl pox and coccidiosis. Luckily, i had her under quarantine. i got her healthy and vaccinated my entire flock for fowl pox, so it was a positive learning experience. Overall, i think craigslist is a wonderful resource. You just have to use common sense.
I purchased 5 bantam chicks over 2 months ago. I was told they were golden-laced bantam cochins. One clearly, when I got home was not a cochin (lacked feather feet). I was naive, didn't check the box
He even showed me his farm & how the "parents" were seperated. Anywho, when I got them home they had cocci & fleas
. Luckily, since they were chicks, they are completely separated from my other girls. 2 died and out of the 3 remaining, pretty sure none of them are gl bantam cochins. Pretty sure they are all mutts, which will mean they are not going to be sticking around. Pretty much, as everything thing on cl is...buyer beware
Anything I purchase from CL, I visit the home, inspect the birds, quarantine them for 30 days. I have walked away from a few places that clearly didn't know their birds or care for them very well. On the flip side, I have a new pair of barred rocks that were clearly hand raised and a gorgeous ameraucana breeding pair that were also very well cared for.

The Ameraucana gal even quarantined them for me - all for $20. So good deals are out there, you just have to be picky and buy locally where you can see the conditions.

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