Craigslist Rant!

Yes I did. I was posting in Fayetteville, but Raleigh is about the same distance from me, so I posted there this time. Fayetteville has lots of people selling chicks.

There are chicks up on Raleigh craigslist ALL the time!! I find them constantly!!! WHat the heck are they talking about flagging your stuff? Just wait an hour or 2 and repost it.... unless someone is being a jerk today and flagging all the animal and farm posts for no reason.

Thats idiotic!

I see people posting using their business name to sell chicks out of the business! That is why I don't understand why my few little chicks is such an issue!

They're probably the ones flagging you.

Yeah, but the "help Desk"!? OMG!!! I can handle the jerks that do not want me posting my chicks. But when you ask for help because someone is abusing the flag button and they are so abusive and nasty that just kills me!
If you post there again, make everything
anonymous, ie the craigslist e-mail address they offer instead of your own, and a phone number, only adding your first name. You can also just add your phone number, so people have to call you to deal with you.. Hopefully you can get it figured out!

My craigslist is LAX.... people really flag what needs to be and leave everything else alone...

Good luck!
I'm having the same issues. Sometimes I get flagged for no real reason, sometimes it stays. I think it is competition from that guy in Dunn that is advertising all the time, over and over again.
Certain cities are being targeted by animal activists. They do whatever they can to disrupt sales of animals despite the fact that livestock sales are allowed.

This happened in Alaska. I think this is also happening in Colorado Springs, CO.
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