crazy hen?

Dan B

In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 8, 2011
One of my RIR hens is acting all crazy. She walks around and around in the chicken run acting like a crazy lunatic when she is alone. Her beak is open and she just looks crazy like something is after her. She has ran into the same walls/chicken wire 100's of times. I swear I think she has issues. When I put her back in the coop she constantly goes from one nesting box to the other scratching three or four times, then goes to another one and does the same. We had an egg yesterday that was a bit deformed (although it was fine inside) and I suspect it's hers. I really think she has problems. Some of her feathers are rough looking but the man we ought them from says the rooster did that and they will grow back. It's not the saddle's more behind her wings. She acts like she doesn't want to be alone from the the other hens but she's being bullied by another dominate RIR that rules the hen house. She acts all submissive when she's around and get's pecked a good deal but when I place her by herself she goes into crazy mode. Maybe she's into being submissive .

I swear she's the dumbest hen I've ever seen.

Any ideas?
Even if they are being bullied, chickens don't like to be alone. They are definitely social animals and like to do everything in the company of others.

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