crazy ways of hatching eggs this really worked!?

what are you trying to say? this is a lie or a joke? im sorry to all people here that I offended by the way if you don't think this is good who cares I only did it once never again

I think it can be done and with a little experimenting im sure it can be done humanly. The first time I seen a parrot chick wearing a crop bra I thought it was the oddest contraption but it served a purpose and the chick wasn't bothered by it. ( A crop bra is used on a chick with weak crop muscles that has been over feed resulting in a pouch that will lead to sour crop and death).

Now its a big world so if this type of incubation is done in certain areas over generations then im sure they have perfected it. They also have probably selectively breed chickens for the task much like people have selectively breed hens that go broody. (selective breeding is as simple as don't eat the hens that go broody).

If you think about what you are asking and where you are asking the question then you can not expect really good ideas. The fact that this is the internet which means we have the technology and infrastructure to communicate means we have money to waste. With money to waste we also have the ability to be judgmental about animal welfare (yet we put dogs and cats in cloths and think that's funny).

I can not think of a way to sound politically correct so im just going to say it. If I was from a poor country and I had 5 chickens and hatching a egg was the difference between my family getting one meal (the egg) or using a method that has been passed down through generations to hatch a chicken that will feed my family for a while then im going to tie the egg to a know heat source and hatch a chick. Either way im not going to be judgmental im just not going to bother trying this method as I have so many other options available.

P.S as for risking the eggs being seen as cruel I must admit I found that funny. This web site is covered in the corpses of chicks that didn't make it while people learnt how to get there incubators to work correctly. If anything less than a 80% hatch rate is cruel then I have been very cruel in the past (dam no more shipped eggs)
very well said gpop I like your reply the chickens here are very expensive and the chicken don't go broody much no matter what breed 1 in a year for some o them and don't sell incubators cant say its a bad poor country lots people are rich here just need to do this for an expiremint nothing more an expirement that went good not perfect
If you think about what you are asking and where you are asking the question then you can not expect really good ideas. The fact that this is the internet which means we have the technology and infrastructure to communicate means we have money to waste. With money to waste we also have the ability to be judgmental about animal welfare (yet we put dogs and cats in cloths and think that's funny).

If you think about where the question is being asked, that is to say the internet - the repository of all human knowledge, then you know you are likely to have access to more information, not less.

If I have a limited income and a few eggs, I want them all to hatch, or as many as I can manage. I think you have to look into your ideas about the conditions that exist in all but the very poorest 'developing nation'. They are developing economically, not stuck in the 13th century.

You present a false equivalence. Clothes on a dog may be absurd, but it is not cruelty - the animal does not suffer because of it. The same may not be said for needless experimentation. It is our responsibility as breeders or farmers to ensure as little suffering as possible in our charges - that is only humane. Mock it as PC all you like, but cruelty is cruelty.

chickenshiha - so said Mengele - it's just experimentation. You obviously have the internet - you can afford a lightbulb and a cardboard box.
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What is to say? If you have the correct temperature and humidity (and can maintain it) and if you rotate them regularly, it should work. But if you have the right conditions, most anything will. I could hatch eggs in my sock drawer if that's what I felt like doing - as long as I meet those criteria.

I am still unclear on _why_ though.
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nomadic people who constantly move would be the people to ask. If I was going to try living in florida it would be a box and a bunch of stones. Let the stones warm up during the day then use that to incubate the eggs during the night. Temperatures between 85 and 103 should be close enough to get a decent hatch rate. To be honest ive seen quail eggs hatch in the aviary that ive never seen a hen incubate during the summer months. Always wondered if the quail just walk around and lay eggs all over the place because they don't care or if they are actually smart and pick a location that gives the egg the best chance based on conditions where they lay.
If I see a pair of my pigeons sitting on their eggs.. I throw the eggs away and pop 2 under them from my bantams.

They brood the eggs really well and don't harm the chicks once they hatch.... I never know the dates when the egg will hatch.. but I know its time to remove the hatched chicks when I am in the coop feeding the birds and I can hear a chick cheeping.
I am going to say the sand method will not work because bird eggs need a set temperature that does not fluctuate. At night the sand would cool down and In the day it would get too hot. They are not the same as reptile eggs which can tolerate temp fluctuations.

Strapping a pillow to a chicken will also NOT work. The hens body will not be producing enough heat.. when they are broody their body makes more heat.. the right amount to incubate the eggs... a none broody with not be hot enough....

A broody hen looses feathers on her chest and underside to make patches of bare hot skin to cover the eggs. An none broody will be covered in feathers and the heat will not get to the eggs.

I none broody hen will not take care of a chick. She will at best ignore it.. and at worst kill it. She is not produceing the right hormones to be a broody or a mother.

Parakeets and parrots can not be raised by a broody chicken. These kinds of birds are fed from their parrot patents regurgitating semi digested seeds to them.. pumping their crops full of it. A chicken hen never feeds chicks... chicken chicks feed themselves.

A hen will get up and walk about and the chicks follow her. Parrot and parakeet chicks are naked, blind and defensless when they hatch and can not follow the hen or feed themselves.

Being in a poor country does not mean you have any problems hatching out chicken eggs... just use a broody hen... and if you don't have one ask one of your neighbours if you can put the eggs under their chickens. You don't need by buy an incubator.

A hen can hatch out over 12 eggs easily... trying to hatch out eggs other ways will fail.. and be a waste of time and eggs.. which, if people are so poor, would be better off eaten.

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