CrazyCochin's Breyer and Schleich horse photography contest! ***With prizes*** Ends: 8/31/2021

(Not an entry) (Just want to share)
Name: Oliver
Breed: Shire
Gender: Gelding
Age: Adult, 12 years old (Not really, got him last Christmas)
Other info: He is my favorite Breyer in my collection. He is very spoiled....;)

Name: Heidi
Breed: Pony of some sort
Gender: Mare
Age: 13
Other info: She is the special model of my classics.
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Here is my entry! I’m titling it “Gift” because I refuse to open it lol.

Name: Yuletide
Breed: Uh… Draft horse :D!
Gender: Colt
Age: 1 (2020 horse lol)
Other info: Got him for Christmas last year.
The same year I got my boy!
That's lovely! And the title is very fitting!
Name: Eull (it’s a traditional Yuletide name I did a little research lol)
Breed: Yuletide breed(??? I’m not actually sure… draft I guess…)
Gender: gelding or stallion
Age: (Foal, Yearling, or Adult) Adult (probably about 6. He’s actually only 1 coz he’s a 2020 horse)
Other info: I got him for Christmas and tbh I prefer schleich horses but I do like Breyer I just don’t name them.
(Anything special about your loyal steed that you care to share?) he’s pretty cool and if he wins don’t worry about the headstall, he already has one

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