CRD - Duramycin dosage for chickens?

I am not sure that URI are so common. Since most commercial chicken houses give antibiotics are a regular bases I am not even sure that they have anything. I won't keep a bird that has had a respiratory infection since I can't be sure that they are not carries and since some do pass to the egg even selling hatching eggs could cause this in someone else's flock. I will cull my flock if this happens.
I am not sure that URI are so common. Since most commercial chicken houses give antibiotics are a regular bases I am not even sure that they have anything. I won't keep a bird that has had a respiratory infection since I can't be sure that they are not carries and since some do pass to the egg even selling hatching eggs could cause this in someone else's flock. I will cull my flock if this happens.

Almost all LARGE commercial poultry houses state on their packages that no Hormones or Antibiotics have been used. And all of these illness I am told, Antibiotics do not CURE....They just eliminate symptoms.
Ok one last thing.....Before I cull my birds when I dont even know if the all have anything because only 2 ever showed signs.....After I bleach out the coop I am going to put Dehydrated lime inside and in the grass area. How long before I introduce my new birds??? When will it be safe or will it ever be safe?
Large poultry houses are actually very careful about disease and I believe they will always practice strict biosecurity. They are also "all in, or all out" and never mix different age groups. They also never buy adult birds. Buying adult birds is one of the easiest ways to bring disease into your flock. I will never do this myself again. We either hatch our own, or buy day old chicks from reputable breeders and hatcheries. Also, the big poutry house do not raise birds for hatching eggs and to sell chicks. They can treat a flock and wait the prescribed amount of time and then sell the eggs or meat. They are not going to spread a URI this way.

Nobody is saying you can't keep your flock and manage the disease symptoms. You can. Ethically though, you would not want to sell birds, or hatching eggs. You may spread it to someone elses flock. Do people do it anyway? They sure do. That's how you got your sick birds. You can even add new birds as Chook's chick suggested by puttng one in and seeing if it gets sick, or get a diagnosis and vaccinate. These are some decisions you have to make and it all depends on what you want from your flock. Good luck!
You don't have to assume. You can get the necropsy done. It will help you know just how much cleaning you need and how long it should stand empty. I would really try to do this if you can. Information is power against this stuff.
Transmission: MG can be spread to offspring through the egg. Most commercial breeding flocks, however, are MG-free. Introduction of infected replacement birds can introduce the disease to MG-negative flocks. MG can also be spread by using MG-contaminated equipment.

Chickenzoo: Ok, I can see why you might be thinking that about the eggs. What that is saying is that a chick can get MG passed to it in the egg from it's mother and it will hatch with the disease. It doesn't mean anything about eating the egg. I would pretty much bet that the chicken's stomach acid and bile will kill MG. I hope this is helpful.

OP: Necropsy is free in some states and low cost in others. It's how they monitor the US for avian flu. It encourages small flock owners to get birds tested. Check or google for instance Virginia state veterinarian....and you should get a contact. Yes, the chicken will have to be dead, but call first and see if they could just test it.
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Ok. So I called the state vet and I found out that a Necropsy is FREE where I live. He was a very nice man and I also gave him all the info for the breeder I bought the chickens from. It was too late in the day today to take them to the lab so I will be taking them to the lab on Monday. They said not to Cull my flock without knowing what was wrong first. He said more birds I am willing to submit the better so I figure on 2 right now and if any more show signs by Monday I will submit them as well. They will also kill the birds for me. I can bring them in alive (Thank God) and theywill kill them and if the results come back that I need to cull the entire flock, I can bring the rest in to be killed as well. After we know what it is, We will know if I need to cull all the birds and if so, How to properly clean up afterwards for my younger chicks. For right now.....We wait.

He says it could be something NOT dangerous. He said it could be bactirial or fungal and may not even be a URI. Guess we will find out Monday.

Thanks for all the help. As for right now, I will make the last few days of thir life as happy as possible.
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Awesome! I am so glad you decided to find out exactly what you have going on. It will at least let you know what your options are and then you can decide. Hopefully it is something treatable and you can get back to enjoying your chickens. Our state veterinarian was also very helpful and you can at least relax knowing you have access to an expert who knows these diseases inside and out. Let us know what you find out. Good luck!

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