CRD - Duramycin dosage for chickens?

I will. They said they will have some results the same day (Monday) and then more advanced tests would need to be shipped out to another lab so those results could take a few days. Today when I was tossing some scratch grains and collecting eggs to toss, I noticed a lot of brids with nasal discharge. At first I thought they just had dirt on their beaks. Guess we will know soon enough. They said if any die over the weekend to put them in a cooler like you said but not to freeze them. I am very dissapointed in the seller/breeder and hope that they investiagate her birds/property. I placed an ad warning people not to buy from her as she has a ad up online (Not on BYC) AND I have gotten a buch of e-mails from people with similiar complaints and over all complaints about horses and puppies.
Lab results are in and the birds have Mycoplasma Gallisepticum AND infectious bronchitis AND full or parasites/worms. I dont know what to do. The state vet seemed to imply that this is very common in poultry and the vet suggested Tylan or culling the whole flock but refused to give recommendation as to which method would be best. I bought some wormer and some Tylan but I have to be honest. With many birds in the hosue due to go out soon.....I just dont think treating them is going to be worth it. I thought everyone was starting to get better from the Duramycin but when we went to lock the copp up, One of the hens had a bubbly eye and was sneezing and had the girgle in her throat.

So to Cull the whole flock, Cut my losses ($300 worth of birds) and disinfect? Or try to treat with Tylan and hope for the best to save my flock?
In a pragmatic sense, I have to advise to cull. I would be very heartbroken to do it myself, but it makes the most sense, since you will be dealing with the disease for as many years as you have birds if you don't cull. All new birds will become ill, and any stress at all will bring symptoms back out.

What a horrible situation.

I would also advise you get Oxine and use it with abandon using a sprayer to saturate all facilities and soils. Bleach doesn't work in soil but Oxine does.

You can add citric acid (from the canning section of your grocery) to amplify the effect. The manufacturer will provide instructions if you can't find them through a search of BYC. What a disaster!

IB is horrible; MG is horrible. If you can keep the babies clean until the facilities are cleaned out, you can move forward like the rest of us. If not, you'll be dealing with singular circumstances from here on out. I'm so sorry!!

Once you get it all stable, I'll send you more of those Paint Ameraucana eggs.
I made the decision to cull the whole flock. The coop has ben bleached 3 times and the field dusted with lime. With 17 older chicks just waiting to go outside, I simply could not risk it. I was consumed with far too much worry.
Sorry for your loss. I'm in the same predicament as you, however I cannot bring myself to cull.
Sorry for your loss. I'm in the same predicament as you, however I cannot bring myself to cull.

I was right there with you. What sealed the deal for me was necropsy from the state and advice from the state as well. Not to mention, I have 17 older chicks and I have to consider their health as well.
I really think you are doing the right thing. It's the only way to be sure and get rid of it. Vaccinating is really a pain and gets expensive quick. It is even more difficult since you have 2 different illnesses going on. It will be hard to cull them, but you won't have to constantly worry about your young birds. Hang in there.
They have already been culled. It was hard. We began clean up over the weekend. Spent 3 hours scrubbing the inside of the coop with 50/50 bleach. The inside of the coop could pass for brand new. And once it was that clean, I disinfected all over again!!! Once it stops raining I will be putting lime on every inch of the coop and we already dusted the entire fenced in area with lime as well. What a mess it was. The whole thing. Buying sick birds is a horrbile thing to go thru. And on a complete accident, I found the seller of all these sick birds on BYC with some auctions for eggs. I wish there was some way to warn people but I guess its better I not get involved. I will NEVER buy an adult bird again. Never. I will also never trust anyone again who says they have been raising chickens for years and never heard of a URI. That my chickens prob cought a cold and will be fine. Such stupidity and carelesness. She doesnt care financially or emotionally what she has put my family thru.
ok so if I give my chickens duramycin can i still eat the eggs or throw them out and for how long til i can eat them again.
No. You cannot eat the eggs. You cannot eat them for at least 3-4 weeks after you STOP the medication. and I took it a step further in never wanting to eat their eggs again. I just dont trust it.

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