Cream legbar chick

Wow congratulations! They are my favorite breed, consider yourself lucky. Do you have updated pictures?

They seem pretty healthy and happy! How long does it usually take for them to feather out?

Yes, they do appear bright eyed and healthy in the pictures! Most breeds seem to take around 4 weeks to be almost completely feathered out. My Rhodebars were average speed to fast at feathering out. The slowest maturing breeds like Brahmas and Cochins seem to be about completely feathered out at eight weeks old, although they might have some chick down on their head. I have no clue as to why yours are feathering out late. Maybe they were under the heat lamp too long. Have you been steadily raising the heat lamp weekly? I believe my chicks are usually completely done with supplemented heat at 5-6 weeks of age, depending on temperature outside. :)
Yes, they do appear bright eyed and healthy in the pictures! Most breeds seem to take around 4 weeks to be almost completely feathered out. My Rhodebars were average speed to fast at feathering out. The slowest maturing breeds like Brahmas and Cochins seem to be about completely feathered out at eight weeks old, although they might have some chick down on their head. I have no clue as to why yours are feathering out late. Maybe they were under the heat lamp too long. Have you been steadily raising the heat lamp weekly? I believe my chicks are usually completely done with supplemented heat at 5-6 weeks of age, depending on temperature outside. :)

I had them indoors, with the heat lamp. They wouldn't fluff out in the incubator. But the time I figured it be ok to move them they were kinda sticky. I had to towel dry a few. Then they still took a while to get all dry. They are in the outside setup now. Racing around flapping thier wings. My son thought something was wrong with it the way it was frolicking. Still look like fluffly chicks. One has barley any wing feathers showing. They hatched on the 21-22 of this month.
I had them indoors, with the heat lamp. They wouldn't fluff out in the incubator. But the time I figured it be ok to move them they were kinda sticky. I had to towel dry a few. Then they still took a while to get all dry. They are in the outside setup now. Racing around flapping thier wings. My son thought something was wrong with it the way it was frolicking. Still look like fluffly chicks. One has barley any wing feathers showing. They hatched on the 21-22 of this month.

I'm really not sure. It sounds like you're doing everything right. Maybe your line is just slow maturing. I would be interested in an update to see when they do feather out. :)
I'm really not sure. It sounds like you're doing everything right. Maybe your line is just slow maturing. I would be interested in an update to see when they do feather out. :)

Sure, I don't mind sharing. I read orpingtons are slow to feather out. I'm pretty sure they are because of the blue tinted feet and color at hatching. But one in particular is really slow. A male possibly?
It's a fun game to try to figure it out. :)
Sure, I don't mind sharing. I read orpingtons are slow to feather out. I'm pretty sure they are because of the blue tinted feet and color at hatching. But one in particular is really slow. A male possibly?
It's a fun game to try to figure it out. :)

It is interesting isn't it. I have noticed males are often slower to mature in many but not all cases.

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