Cream Legbar Club -- WWIT

I did see a post in another thread - the legbar thread, I think, where the person who hatched the cream legbars said that there are 'crested and non-crested' CLBs.

If we establish a breeders directory-- which is a good idea...would that person, in order to be in the directory have birds required to meet certain 'standards' (of perfection). To what degree would the club want to let the public know that if they have cream legbars without crests, they need to work on getting crests.

I know MnM had stated that the club shouldn't say 'that's not a cream legbar' to anyone, at this point. If I understood correctly. Mutts1 gave insight to the value of genetic diversity, and Stoneunhenged suggested an openness for recognizing (not wanting to start any controversy here---but we do need to have a standard if we are going to get a breed recognized by the APA) openness for 3-years, then closing any registry in effect -again based on my memory. Some of these are 'which came first the chicken or the egg' type questions. Good metaphor for us, right?

IMO having crested and non-crested clbs is exactly the type of 'problem' that the club would want to avoid for the best future for this breed.

Questions that pop to mind about a breed registry are - what would be the criteria for getting listed in the registry...etc.

Be keeping, in the back of your heads items that will be business for the club such as the above. The agenda will be full for the first year..and it will have to be carved into do-able pieces.
One last thing.

I was experimenting with an online (FREE) meeting software out of Germany. ..and it is in beta (for those unfamialiar with software --that kind of means it is in bug-land with problems that need to be ironed out.)

I sent them email of my woe - and they responded within 24 hours. That's pretty good for across the pond IMO.

The software was like a chat room --except it was agenda driven. Invitees could add agenda items at will. before the meeting started. It is also time driven -- but I'm not sure of all the ins and outs.

Everything that was typed in was recorded. (thus people unable to make the meeting would have all the wording -- and the secretary wouldn't have to type any minutes of the meeting because it would be already there --from the screen sent into email. )

Lots of good ideas. I will experiment with it further to see if the hints and tips that they gave me will solve the problem that I was having. --- The problems I was having may also have been computer or network driven.

Something like that would be so useful IMO. They even put the suggestion that I made on their development list.

I know that google groups can assemble people together, but I think the limit is 10 in a group. I think we already have more than 10 people who have expressed interest. Maybe Yahoo has something like that -- Laingcroft-- you can be the Yahoo expert of the day!

If anyone has experience with some good online (free?) meeting software..please let me know....Thanks.
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what about something as simple as yahoo messenger - works like the old AOL instant messenger and you can create a chat room for the club meeting?
what about something as simple as yahoo messenger - works like the old AOL instant messenger and you can create a chat room for the club meeting?
great idea ---

We need to keep it simple.

If you get a chance to check out this website - that is the one I was experimenting with. It is different from a chat room in three ways - 1. time controlled (scarey huh?) 2. maybe the most important it is frameworked on an angenda, and 3. It records the minutes (or the converstaion or comments as it would seem) - and with a click they can be emailed to all participants. YEa. I looked at it again yesterday and signed on to a test meeting I had forgotten to close and it also listed participants - "who is viewing" That was the change I had requested them to add.

Lets try a yahoo messenger sometime. Do you know if there is a limit on participants like Google Groups has 10....

However I remember AOL chat rooms showing who all the participants were as well.

Chat room idea is good (I'm guessing that is what yahoo messenger is like...Never have used it)--and could we just check it out for the Yahoo group that Laingcroft has set up...Sometimes chat rooms got hectic -- but fun.

Babymakes6 - it is just everyone typing at the same time into one space and the screen scrolls up as a new individual adds info. It is a realtime - thread if you will. So communication is synchronous versus asynchronous like these threads. can be quite fun actually.
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In regards to a person having CL's without a crest, and then having to be informed it's not up to standard and isn't a Cream Legbar... Well, the UK had it right at the start when they called the Crested Cream Legbars...

The Crested Cream Legbar Club sounds like a good way to hit the in the head before we even run into that issue. Maybe the Standard group needs this brought to the attention as well.

On that note, we have a family emergency type deal around here, so I haven't touched anything the past day or two. :(

Yahoo messenger, having a group conversation, allows logging of the chats. There's your minutes right there. Copy/Paste/Post

Paypal for dues = Good idea. Paypal is everywhere and most people trust it, unless they're had problems with Payapal. Most people that have problems with Paypal is because of something they have done wrong intentionally or unintentionally. Anyone not wishing to use Paypal can send check to the person in charge of club registrations, they can place said check into Paypal noting the transaction with the member name/number. Easy peasy.

I think we'll still need a bank account attached to the Paypal account, but if you find a national type bank, with a good account type for NP type organizations, I think we can skip the nonsense of transferring backs and accounts and so on. Might wanna check with a current functioning club in that regard, as I've not really messed with banks for non-profit things.


Yes, we need one. The website can have a very streamlined and informative directory. You have to be a club member to join the directory. You do not have to be a club member to access the directory. Why force a person to join the club, in order to get info on breeders when you're thinking about getting a breed. Let them have access to the breed, access to all information, and help them get into the breed. This will encourage a person to join, versus forcing them to join to access information.

Build the club based on promotion of the breed and openess of information. Help outsiders even if they tell you up front that they will never join.
ING direct is an online bank. We have an account there. You do need to have an account at a "real" bank as well, to transfer money, but that might work.
Good thoughts on the breeder directory. MnM have you had a chance to look at the documents at the yahoo group? Don't want you to redo work you had mentioned starting but it sounds like you haven't had time. Hope all is well with your family.

Also as I appear to be heading up secretarial work at least for now, should I go to yahoo or google and create an e-mail account for the club? I could start sending weekly updates that way for those who get behind and don't want to read through 10+ pages on BYC to just get the jist of what's been going on. Or should we wait on that?

MnM hope family emergency is quickly and successfully sorted out.

Babymakes6 - good to put ING in the running. They pay pretty good interest too. MnM - definitely a naitonal and all -- Let's look into what other clubs are doing.

Oh--Roberts Rules of Order is the correct way to run a meeting BTW, you are probably familiar with such terms as 'I second the motion'. It is an orderly way to conduct business....

Rinda -- A newsletter....update sort of thing. It is a good idea and a summary is a good idea. Trouble is if you are like me you get 100s of emails flooding in there.....and it's easy for one to get lost. Maybe just hold off on that one a tiny bit longer...... and hope that interested parties will make the effort to keep up with the couple of threads.... and plan your 'newsletter' strategy from there. I still haven't gotten access to the yahoo site...(but I did just set up a yahoo account, and then there is the aol account, and then there is the gmail account. Maybe it's out there somewhere. :O)

I couldn't recall what that first layer of members of an organization is -- it's 'founding members'. So people who join up -- in the first round will be founding members.
ETA = It's called 'charter memeber' - sometimes the brain just fails the test.

Oh -- my suggestion for dues amount -- what about 12.00/yr---then it could be pro-rated at $1 per month for people who join after Jan.
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MnM hope family emergency is quickly and successfully sorted out.

Babymakes6 - good to put ING in the running. They pay pretty good interest too. MnM - definitely a naitonal and all -- Let's look into what other clubs are doing.

Oh--Roberts Rules of Order is the correct way to run a meeting BTW, you are probably familiar with such terms as 'I second the motion'. It is an orderly way to conduct business....

Rinda -- A newsletter....update sort of thing. It is a good idea and a summary is a good idea. Trouble is if you are like me you get 100s of emails flooding in there.....and it's easy for one to get lost. Maybe just hold off on that one a tiny bit longer...... and hope that interested parties will make the effort to keep up with the couple of threads.... and plan your 'newsletter' strategy from there. I still haven't gotten access to the yahoo site...(but I did just set up a yahoo account, and then there is the aol account, and then there is the gmail account. Maybe it's out there somewhere. :O)

I couldn't recall what that first layer of members of an organization is -- it's 'founding members'. So people who join up -- in the first round will be founding members.

Oh -- my suggestion for dues amount -- what about 12.00/yr---then it could be pro-rated at $1 per month for people who join after Jan.
Great thinking!

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