cream legbar colouring


In the Brooder
5 Years
Aug 27, 2014
Hi I'm new to this site,today I was accused of fraud and abused for selling these chicks as cream legbars and was told that my chicks are nothing but muts could someone please explain the reasons for this. TIA kerry x
You're occasionally going to encounter "bad apples" in any interaction with strangers. I would recommend ignoring them. If someone claims they are not CCL's ask them how they differ from the SOP -- oh wait! they are too new to have an SOP in America, so I guess your opinion is as good as theirs.

Even if there is an SOP for the breed, accusing someone of fraud is a bit much, they should just go buy somewhere else if they are not happy with the birds. Your birds look like CCL's and hatched from blue eggs. You have as much right to sell them as CCL's as any commercial hatchery has to sell their stock as "Rhode Island Reds" or "Ameracaunas", when they are obviously not even close to the SOP for those breeds.

I appreciate the "purists" that breed to strict standards, they are an important part of the marketplace and I hope I can acquire one of their "greatly improved" cockerels at some point to breed into my line of "common fowl". It helps everyone, they can get a decent price for a cockerel (I can't give mine away unless they are big enough to eat) and I can get new bloodlines to improve my stock, but (hopefully) keep the higher production qualities I breed for.

I wouldn't be too bothered by the purists telling you they aren't true CCL's. I would buy your birds as CCL's, if that makes you feel better.

Oh, and welcome to BYC!
Welcome to BYC!
We're glad to have you.

Hmmm, those do look like Cream Legbars to me. I'm not sure why somebody wouldn't think that they were. Do they all lay blue eggs?
Sounds like someone who doesn't want you as competition. On threads I've subscribed to, various people have cream legbars - they look like your birds. I agree with d.heltzel.

BTW glad you joined the BYC flock.
Glad you joined us!

Those look like Legbars to me, but I'm not necessarily a Legbar expert, so I could be wrong.

Feel free to ask any other questions you have. We're all here to help.
thanks all for your replies.these were the eggs they hatched from so I would hope they will lay the same x

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