Cream Legbars in Louisiana

Thank You!! :) <3 I love them. I love the older import's coloring as well, and most of my Jill Rees day olds appeared very similar to imports a, b, and c, --one girl was VERY dark! I ordered
two roos, so I'd have a choice of the best fella (I kept my other roo as a breeder as well, but there was an obvious "best" UK standard roo - "Reese"), and I ordered nine pullets, all together in
one shipment. I sold the two very darkest right away for $25 to a new contact I met in LA who prefers the brighter coloring, and was happy to get the UK Rees genes in his flock, too. :D The other seven girls were two "platinum blonde" babes ;} and five very sandy light brown. So I am pairing Reese with the two really blonde girls, as a breeding trio, and putting my other roo and five girls together as a second breeding pen. I asked Greenfire was it perfectly normal to still throw darker chicks out of the Rees line, and they responded absolutely normal. I'm sure Reese and his two blondes will throw some dark chicks, but I am looking to breed as cream as possible, and see what the outcome will be. I am very excited to join in the project of the Rees line, and love all colorings of the Cream Legbar, which is why I like the Cream Legbar Club so much, as discussions are going on right now about all "colorings" (line/import A, B, C, and Rees) being included in the SOP under different colorings, like a Crele variety, but all as Cream Legbar. All the lines colorings are so beautiful, I enjoy each and every one - the ONLY autosexing, blue egg breed out there is the absolutely *WONDERFUL* trait all the colors of the Cream Legbar share! :D

I hope you enjoy the pictures of the highly cream chicks below! It was a fun surprise to see their different coloring from other lines right away right out of the box!* So glad to share the surprise
with all you guys as well. :D Hope you like them!

Your chicks are very, very cute! Its so great you are a member of the Club, you are right that there is some fantastic info share there. You should join our chats on one of the Cream Legbar threads here on BYC also to share your Rees chicks progress as they grow and your plans for them after they mature. Many of us are interested in seeing more of the Rees line chicks as they mature since they are still so knew we are still trying to learn what to expect from them. It will be also very interesting to see these little blonde pullets of your mature since we don't typically see pullets this light.

Im a little curious as to why you chose the 2 very blondish females to be your 2 "best girls" before growing them out to see their adult plumage and more importantly body type. It is very typical for female CL chicks to hatch out dark brown distinct chipmunk coloring and light brown distinct chipmunk coloring, and they can turn out to be correct cream colored or "colorful". Im not sure that blonde female chicks necessarily mean cream female though I haven't seen light blonde females yet. That I know of there has been no correlation between female down color and adult plumage as of yet. Males also have a few different down colors that are all acceptable, some (not all) say avoid the dark males or the cinnamon tinted males because they may turn out colorful, but again nothing has been confirmed with down color.

My thought is for all of us to keep in mind for our chicks that if our day old females get too blonde they might start to blend with some of the day old males. We do need to take careful consideration that the chicks do not start to loose their autosexing ability down the line, it is an important feature in this breed.

I would love for you to pop on over to the CL thread and join in the discussions, maybe post some more pics of all your CL chicks and tell us more about your plans :) I have my own line of CL I am working with as well as the Rees line also, though only a trio of Rees to work with. The Rees are laying and breeding, Im excited to hatch from them to see what I get.
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Oh, absolutely! When I say my "best" girls, it is my best attempt at choosing the best body type as well - my other seven pullets are still my laying flock, I'm just having fun deciding the two breeding pens, as you said, I cannot wait to see IF the very blonde trio produce more cream as adults just as a breeding experiment. The two blonde girls had almost black stripes. I will post a day old picture of their backs, too so you can see too. The down outside the stripes was just white blonde instead of brown or tan. So its a blonde chick with black-brown chipmunk stripes. No loss in autosexing whatsoever, which was just really, really cool! :} I would love to post for everybody their developments, it's all still so new to us here in the US as you said. Your pullets are beautiful, I love your pictures as well! I will post pictures of all 9 of them (2 roos, 7 pullets) week by week on our site:

and I'll post them here, too. Thanks for sharing in the excitement with me! As you said the autosexing, blue eggs, and correct body type are the most important, the colorings are just icings on the cakes! :} Look forward to chatting with you guys on your plans as well!
The middle pullet's wing is covering her third thin black stripe (right side) a bit, but on the left pullet you can see what I was talking about, where she has the obvious middle stripe, with a thin black stripe on either side of yellow down - (of course their left sides aren't showing but this was the closest to a "top view" pic I had from the day I got them!)

Left: Rees Pullet Middle: Rees Pullet Right: Rees Roo (All About Three Days Old)

Same picture below, just without flash :-}

The only picture I had of all eleven Rees day olds including the two dark pullets (right in the middle - see her!! lol ;o)
It's a very easy 'Where's Waldo!' Lol) Sorry it is under a heat lamp, again it is the only picture I took of all of them that first day!

Hi all, I'm in Mandville, LA (St.Tammany Parish) and keep a mixed flock of free-ranging organic-fed hens primarily for egg production (see photo). I have been searching for CLs locally to no avail. I found some last year (I was able to get one pure CL pullet and two mixed CL pullets) but the folks I got them from are no longer breeding. I would love to add several more pullets or young hens to my flock and possibly a cock as well. If anyone in southeastern LA is still following this thread and has birds available (or knows someone who does), please let me know! Thanks in advance!

I currently have a starter flock of 7 pullets 2 roos I bought as day olds from Greenfire Farms in January - so they are about 6 weeks old now (wont be laying until 20 weeks),

and are the Jill Rees UK line of Cream Legbar. I have a new orleans craigslist ad, and shreveport ad, Im close to Shreveport and can ship you some fertile hatching eggs this August or so when

they start laying, or I can hatch chicks for you, I have a GQF digital automatic cabinet incubator, so I'll be hatching lots! Whatever you prefer :D My name is Lindsay Barrios, and you can check

out our website or email me at [email protected]. My Fall Wait List is building, so I'd happy to add you to it and call or email you (can invoice through PayPal)

around August once available. :) These pics are in their first week - I will be adding new pics to the website of them now at six weeks old very very soon! :) Any questions, PM me for my

cell number. Thanks! :D

I currently have a starter flock of 7 pullets 2 roos I bought as day olds from Greenfire Farms in January - so they are about 6 weeks old now (wont be laying until 20 weeks),

and are the Jill Rees UK line of Cream Legbar.

Any recent pictures? I am very curious to see how they are growing out for you!

These are two of the very blonde pullet chicks in the posed photo on the leopard blanket with the little Roo Dayold "Reese" :)

Their crests are much lighter than the darker brown or tan Dayolds - their crests grew out very dark gray. They are all two months old now (All of that same Jill Rees Greenfire shipment from January), and the darker Pullets and Roo chick have new homes in Louisiana and Texas. From the January shipment I chose Reese and his three girls to grow out as my breeding quartet, and am growing out a March Jill Rees Greenfire shipment of a champagne colored roo, & another very blonde Roo to compare, as well as a few more very light girls to help lay later this year (there little bittys - 1 week old). I'll take pics of all for you too. It's fun to watch them grow & change! :D
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Gosh that was fast, BlackBayouBirds.

It amazes me how quickly they grow. They are looking good. I especially like that they have a lower tail angle--it seems like all of mine are a bit too high (or really too high in some cases). What do you think of their personalities? Thanks for the update!

This is that teeny little blonde day old Roo "Reese" today as a two month old cockerel. I'm supposing he is double barred leading to the "washed out" effect of his barring pattern someone mentioned before with some Jill Rees cockerels. His January box mate I grew out as well, had a little silverish cast to him as a Dayold and grew up identical to Reese but with a very crisp barring pattern, without the larger blocks of white in Reese's barring. Both have great crests, but combs are not as straight as I've seen on breeders pictures of their earlier Greenfire Imports.

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