Cream Legbars

Tail feathers grow slower on males .
Yes this seems to be the best indicator yet that Ive seen for males vs females in all the breeds I have. Now its hard to compare breed vs breed but within the breed this is true. Another factor to consider is that hybrid vigor may throw off the normal feathering rates and produce a bit of confusion.

Typically day old wing sexing works on a number of breeds as the wing feathering is typically different from male to female but Ive read so many variations that you would need to know which pattern determines which for your breed and its only viable for the first day or two of wing feather growth which in hybrids can be very fast. If you are looking for sexing traits then you will simply have to keep track of the indicators on your hatches to come up with something that works.
If you sell fertilized cream legbar eggs what is your price? I have chicks that I'm planning on for futuristic when they start laying:)

That is most likely different in every market. I sell them for 5 bucks a piece here (or did this spring) or $50 a dozen,
Well the first Cream Legbar Auction I saw on Ebay was Obtober of 2011 and it went for about $400 for 4+ eggs. The auction I saw a few weeks later was only half that for 4+ eggs.

I kept a good tab on the egg price for about a year on several on-line sights (ebay,, eggbid, etc.) One things was certain. People that were selling on-line and ship eggs tended to get a lot more per dozen than people did that sold for local pick-up. The quality of you on-line photos play a huge part in the amount that people will pay for your eggs. and oof course people with an establish reputation as a breeder tended to get more for their eggs than people that were just selling from the birds they had purchased 6 months earlier. If you want to know what the going rate it watch your local craigslist and see what others in your area are asking for their eggs. Follow the on-line auctions as see what people are bidding for hatching eggs or post an add yourself and see how many people reply. The first year we offered Black Copper Marans we placed our price about $2 a chick higher than the average in our area and about 2$/chick lower than what the people who were winning best of show were asking. in about 3 weeks time we had a wait list that was 3 months long. Other years we have posted something and only got about 1 serious inquiry. If you can't keep up with your request raise the price. If no one is showing any interest lower them. Your flock could be the best on the planet and if people prefer to go to the lady next store who is selling black sex-links for $3 each than to pay any more than $5 a chick for your chicks, then your price is $5 a chick. Like wise if people are looking at paying $12 for un-sexed Silkies or $10 for sexed Cream Legbar Pullets you may be able to raise your price. The same goes for eggs. It is supply and demand. The demand in your area will NOT be what it is in someone else's area.


I'm thinking about keeping this guy for my daughter to show next year. She starts 4h this fall. He's one of mine, and he looks pretty alright, besides all the gold. Look at the long back, the decent crest, reasonable (so far) comb and wattles, and those beautiful earlobes! I wasn't sure if I could get nice earlobes, but he must have got it from his mom.
I didn't want her to show the 3 I got in Minnesota, just in case, because I need my breeders to stay home. So, I'm thinking a few of mine for her to show, if the boys can meet basic standards.
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I'm thinking about keeping this guy for my daughter to show next year. She starts 4h this fall. He's one of mine, and he looks pretty alright, besides all the gold. Look at the long back, the decent crest, reasonable (so far) comb and wattles, and those beautiful earlobes! I wasn't sure if I could get nice earlobes, but he must have got it from his mom.
I didn't want her to show the 3 I got in Minnesota, just in case, because I need my breeders to stay home. So, I'm thinking a few of mine for her to show, if the boys can meet basic standards.
He has lovely barring everywhere, including his hackles. As for the gold, I've been watching for cockerels that have matching hackle and saddle feathers - both gold (not mismatched). In the top pic his hackles look more gold (which is a good element for matching) than the next two pics. What do you see in person?

It seems like he would be a nice example of the more colorful version of legbars; sometimes referred to as "golden crele". His white earlobes read well, and the rich chestnut/red on his shoulders stands out nicely too. He has a nice definitive crest which is well barred, good tail angle with no white feathers and more crisp barring. I hope your daughter enjoys showing him.
He has lovely barring everywhere, including his hackles. As for the gold, I've been watching for cockerels that have matching hackle and saddle feathers - both gold (not mismatched). In the top pic his hackles look more gold (which is a good element for matching) than the next two pics. What do you see in person?

It seems like he would be a nice example of the more colorful version of legbars; sometimes referred to as "golden crele". His white earlobes read well, and the rich chestnut/red on his shoulders stands out nicely too. He has a nice definitive crest which is well barred, good tail angle with no white feathers and more crisp barring. I hope your daughter enjoys showing him.

I'm thinking about keeping this guy for my daughter to show next year. She starts 4h this fall. He's one of mine, and he looks pretty alright, besides all the gold. Look at the long back, the decent crest, reasonable (so far) comb and wattles, and those beautiful earlobes! I wasn't sure if I could get nice earlobes, but he must have got it from his mom.
I didn't want her to show the 3 I got in Minnesota, just in case, because I need my breeders to stay home. So, I'm thinking a few of mine for her to show, if the boys can meet basic standards.

I like him. Have you been hiding him from us? I only see two defects, and they are minor. The undercarriage barring
could be more distinctive but it is hard to get barring there and the comb is only 85-95% perfect. I like the crest. You did not need my birds with this guy around!

I love the tail set. I am in need of a new show bird, in the last 3 weeks Andy's crest has become a non-crest. It is so small I can see him being disqualified under the proposed SOPs. It just went away. Anyone know where I can get a hair dresser to put the crest back in? stupid bird!
Haha! I still needed fresh blood, and Eli is going to infuse great color into my flock, a much needed shot in the arm. I'm super pleased with them! Eventually I will get NPIP certified.
I have 10-14 somewhere, (white sports).

I think 10-14 of them are roosters. I have no idea why they are so heavy Male. Unless it is not a true recessive gene and is recessive and dependent on another gene. MeepBeep in another thread said she had half and half male/females. so that makes no sense.

I think I might have one girl but it is young and hard to tell. Time will tell. I will get pictures later. (later meaning someday).

Here is a couple pictures a week or two old.


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