Cream Legbars



CA Royal Blues
13 Years
Mar 23, 2008
Oakland, CA
Does anybody have Cream Legbars from Greenfire Farms? Do you have pictures of your birds? Will you offer hatching eggs when your birds reach POL?


Our cream legbar Cockerel did very well over the weekend. The judge, when I was able to ask her after everything was over, liked how they didn't look like golden crele leghorns, with his shape. He does need a bit more tail, but he's just turned 6 months old, so that will come with time. Did have a brief argument with check in about crests! (Yes, small crests are still crests...)
It's weird, this pullets comb has been very large and red for a few weeks, way beyond her 'sisters'. Her points are spreading and I think I spooked her off the nest the other day, thought it was the hen who is tolerant of grabbing eggs from under her.
Pullet patrol is frustrating as the days shorten so quickly...
.....will they go or wait until after solstice??

These 4 all hatched at the same time. One is still very pale and small in the comb and wattles. I suspect the faster developing ones are the ones that the rooster has his way with. :D
I’m going to try to observe the mating activity.
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