Cream Legbars

I will be.......BUT it is way too cold to even think about that here. I have not picked a non-frozen egg in 3 days.

I know that many up north and on the East coast have been having some bad and cold temps. I was just wanting to know if you were still going to be doing them, so that maybe I could get some hatching eggs or chicks from you later on when it warms up a bit, if you ship. I'm originally from MN., but I live in AZ. now.

One of my Legbar hens... The other is currently molting...
Gary, while you and I disagree some on legbars, I have to tell you those olive eggs of yours are fantastic. I have tried with moderate success to get olive green eggs. But you have outdone me by 150% on those.
I had marans but the 2 hens laid 1 egg an week between the two of them and it was not worth the effort to try and breed them, os they became soup..... I wish now I had thought to use them with legbars instead of the Speckle Sussex and Doms I did use on Olive eggs!

Great Job!

Do you mind if I share your photo with the folks in the Minnesota thread, I will give you credit.. We are always looking for pretty and varied egg baskets...

Ya...I formed most of my opinions about legbars between 2011-2014 and regardless of other opinions will likely spend the next 15 years trying to breed to the ideas I formed during that time. I can be hard headed with my opinions but it is not that I don't value others ideas and opinions just that I have already made decision and what I am going to work to and don't lets other's preferences or even the written standard sway me from the goals that I have set.

We grew out about fifteen Marans X Cream Legbars in 2016. We only kept a single pullet from the group so I guess we got lucky with the color. The best Olive Eggs that I have seen were from Angie Jones in Schertz, Texas at Fowl R'Us. I wish I had snagged the photos from her ebay auctions when they were still available. That lady knew egg color and always had a top entry in the open egg contests at the poultry shows.

Feel free to share our olive egg photo.

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