Cream Legbars

The Cream Legbar is an autosexing type of chicken. This means that you can tell the sex of the chick at hatch, and they breed true. The Cream Legbar originated as a cross between Brown Leghorns and Barred Rock with some Araucana blood in them. This is reflected in the blue eggs that they lay. The egg colour is usually blue though sometimes the egg is green(green eggs are not ideal).
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Sweetdreamin, I think your cockerel is growing in well!

Trooper Man, Cream Legbars are a rare breed, developed by Professors RC Punnett and M Pease, that was standardized in Great Britain about 60 years ago. Technically there were about 7 breeds that went into creating an auto sexing, blue egg laying, crested and cream chicken. They are light to medium sized large fowl, lay 200+ eggs a year, and are excellent foragers.
They were imported to the USA in 2010, and are now in the introductory process of being recognized by the a APA. I hope that helps. :)

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