Cream Legbars

I love how they all stood in a row for their pictures

X2 I keep looking for double sided tape under those little feet
My five girls are not laying AT ALL. Sigh. What is going on!?

Hi from Colorado!

My girls are stingy too--only 3 non-CL eggs this month. I talked to a friend just to the South in Broomfield several weeks ago and her girls are laying already, but another local friend has not seen any eggs yet.

I have one CL girl that started laying about 10 days ago but the other two--not so much. I wish I could figure out which one so I can hatch more of her eggs in a few months when the boys are more mature.

Its the -17 degree nights combined with the just barely 0 days last week, I think. Be patient--Spring is just around the corner!
Thankfully here even in our 2-3feet of snow and cold out of 24 hens I have 11 laying eggs for me so I average 6-8 eggs a day. Only one of those being a CL, I got her first egg yesterday. The egg laying started just over the past couple weeks.
It's making me crazy. All my other breeds are laying. We tried to collect eggs, for hatching, and didn't have near enough to make it worth while. If this is how the Creams do every winter, I can't possibly make them my main flock. Thinking about going back to mainly Cochins.
Mine have been laying since late December. When were your girls hatched? Late summer usually means they won't start up until later in the Spring. Normal spring hatches sometimes start in the autumn then stop until Spring. I've had the best luck with early hatched hens, as in January through March. They start to lay in late summer then start right up again in November/December.

To be fair to your chickens, this has been an unusual winter too.
This winter is a big part of the problem. These girls started towards the end of November, so it's only been about three months. They haven't been consistant at all. It's just frustrating.
My 4 girls (10 mos old) have been laying consistently all winter. Most days 4 eggs. Now I live in South south south TX, but even we've had a cold winter (only 1 day below freezing), but lots of days in the high 30's and 40's. Maybe our girls don't like the cold? Has anyone had their chix under lights? We keep the lights on 16hrs/day in the barn to keep our horses from growing winter hair coats. Commercial egg folks do the same for eggs, right?

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