Cream Legbars

I have heard this argument before. Some people have very strong feelings about Rees birds. Have they made you question the origin of your birds? You have the facts about your birds.... obviously they are wrong.

That is my thought too. I have talked this over with a person I deeply respect for his knowledge of genetics in chickens. The only reason I asked was because I sold some chicks to a breeder that sells lots of chicks in a year. She asked about the lines, I told her. When she was here she saw the 2 white sports.

Later she contacted me saying I did not know my birds because someone on FB told her Rees could not have White sports...

Then I look at the rooster picture for the Rees line and I think Hmmmm something is weird here as that bird is more silver than cream...

I do not question my birds at all, I know how I came about them, and their history.

Anyways, I just wanted to check and see if there is any truth to that or if it is a non-urban myth. I am guessing the latter.

I am hatching f2 right now, no white manifest itself in f1. Of course the original showed no sign of it, I am guessing one of my original 3 birds had the recessive white gene. It took this long to show as mother/son of father daughter had to breed for it to appear. If I can get a breeding pair I can cement the white in f3.

These are hybrids . I have been checking on the classroom at the coop . I have been told cream is a autosomal recessive . So how did I get this cockerel in this color ? No silver in the hens used . Cream and golden duckwing ( silver and gold ) look alike . I am thinking there is silver in the mix . So perhaps my original male is cream and Ss .
Those are happy looking birds. You are doing very well with them.

Thank you :) They are very content and spend each day running around, ducking in and out of the pine trees. I still have Sky too, she just wasn't up for pictures today lol. She needs a good molt. Her back is rather bare. I think I'll be fitting her with a saddle here in the next day or so. I need to make it a bright color though so I can see her in her secret nests that she's so determined to make :lau
Thank you :) They are very content and spend each day running around, ducking in and out of the pine trees. I still have Sky too, she just wasn't up for pictures today lol. She needs a good molt. Her back is rather bare. I think I'll be fitting her with a saddle here in the next day or so. I need to make it a bright color though so I can see her in her secret nests that she's so determined to make :lau
Good idea to leave Sky out. Taking a picture of a girl when she's not looking her best is never a good idea.
I live in Utah and would love to buy some juvenile cl's, does anyone have any for sale?
Good luck Ryan77 - hope that you will find some. You may also want to put your request in Buy-sell-trade section of BYC forum -- that you want some. Hope that you are able to become a CL owner sooooooon!
I haven't got a response on the CL hybrid thread yet, but wanted more CL opinions.
These chicks are a blue copper marans over CCL (Rees line)
But some have an extremely light head dot. I think the Rees line had some light head dots on the girls but I can't be sure.
Can you help me with these.
One pic is: left : no dot, middle: light dot, right: big dot
One pic is single light dot chick
And one is a group pic. There is a marans pure in there too.
But 5/6 have some dot on there heads. Just being so light has me wondering.
Any input is appreciated


I haven't got a response on the CL hybrid thread yet, but wanted more CL opinions.
These chicks are a blue copper marans over CCL (Rees line)
But some have an extremely light head dot. I think the Rees line had some light head dots on the girls but I can't be sure.
Can you help me with these.
One pic is: left : no dot, middle: light dot, right: big dot
One pic is single light dot chick
And one is a group pic. There is a marans pure in there too.
But 5/6 have some dot on there heads. Just being so light has me wondering.
Any input is appreciated

Do they have yellow feet? Nothing to do with your question, just curious!
I haven't got a response on the CL hybrid thread yet, but wanted more CL opinions.
These chicks are a blue copper marans over CCL (Rees line)
But some have an extremely light head dot. I think the Rees line had some light head dots on the girls but I can't be sure.
Can you help me with these.
One pic is: left : no dot, middle: light dot, right: big dot
One pic is single light dot chick
And one is a group pic. There is a marans pure in there too.
But 5/6 have some dot on there heads. Just being so light has me wondering.
Any input is appreciated

Since they are sex links any white on the head = male .

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