Creative Coop Names

When mine is finished it will be "The Mother Cluckers' Place".
Glad I stumbled across this thread. So many great ideas. :p Still thinking of names for ours. It's an 8x12 split in half, half chickens, half ducks. Not sure if I'm going with two separate names for each side or a collective name. Collectively, I loved someone's "Bird House"; that would make sense for ours. I also liked Cluckingham Palace, as although we're Ohio-ans, DH is from London. Heheh.

Thought I'd throw this in here, though. I know someone who has layers and meaties, and calls his coops The Breakfast Club and The Dinner Party, respectively. LOL
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Glad I stumbled across this thread. So many great ideas.
Still thinking of names for ours. It's an 8x12 split in half, half chickens, half ducks. Not sure if I'm going with two separate names for each side or a collective name. Collectively, I loved someone's "Bird House"; that would make sense for ours. I also liked Cluckingham Palace, as although we're Ohio-ans, DH is from London. Heheh.

Thought I'd throw this in here, though. I know someone who has layers and meaties, and calls his coops The Breakfast Club and The Dinner Party, respectively. LOL
The Cluckin Quackers Inn
We are building mine now. It is going to be Cackleberry Cottage. My dad always called eggs cackleberries so it will remind me of him.

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