Creative Coop Names

My husband and I named ours yesterday. We call the little guys "meeps" (which is also our pet name for each other and the only word in our personalized couples language- long story), so the coop & run are referred to as "Meepleton Manor," and the ladies all carry the surname Meepleton (e.g. Marshmallow Meepleton).

Of course, you say all this with your best Thurston Howell, clenched-teeth, upper-crust voice!

The chicks aren't here yet, but they already have a family name and a respectable piece of land.
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Where did you get the lights and are they motion activated and do they flash simultaneously?
The timing is a dusk to dawn sensor that turns the lights on at sunset & they go off just after sunrise. If you have power to your coop, then a regular strand of blinking christmas lights on a timer would work also, I just didn't want extension cords strung across my driveway, so solar was the solution here.

I picked up a string of solar LED (white) lights at Rite Aid when they had a half off sale so the lights were $9.98 instead of $19.99 ;) I also scored another set (purple with twice as many individual bulbs) online (cut out the profit for WalMart & order direct from China ;) for just under $9 shipped. You do have to make sure that the string is capable of flashing. The entire string does blink simultaneously, however when the two different strands are both going, there is a timing differential and they appear to alternate blinking from one strand to the other, although a single string flashing is sufficient in my experience (so far). It would depend on the nature of the predators in your area. We have fox, coyote, raccoon, possum & skunk in our neck of the woods, none of which have come near the coop in the 3 months we've kept chickens there.

More info linked below so you can design your own nighttime predator repelling flash bulbs based on the version created in Africa to keep lions from killing cattle & goats while the farmers sleep...
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My final coop is going to be called The Cockatrice Pit, but I have no idea what I'm going to call my practice coops leading up to building that one... it's a bit of an art project, gotta cut my teeth on something easier first.

I think our first coop will be Gay Baby Jail because:


we call it 'rusty coop chicken farm. reused some barn tin on the roof, rusty edge and all, (semil protected by wind chimes) We built it on skids thinking we'd move it around but when we got it placed I don't think it's going any where kind of heavy. But the 4x6 pressure treated foundation also prevents varmin some. . I have built a bit of a 'play yard' around it, that I will expand later, this is for 4-7 hens. Photo before hens arrived.
I posted our coop name last year before we got our coop done, so here it is now :)



Our backyard backs up to a dry creek bed so that's why we chose the name. :D I love all the creative fun names and ideas you've all come up with. I love the hobbit houses!
My coop hasn't even been started yet, but we have been collecting wood, windows, etc. to use in the build.  Most of the wood came from a wonderful 92 year old Christian man who just recently (last week) left us to be with the Lord.  We are friends of the whole family and I would like to dedicate my coop in his memory.  The man's name was Carleton Treat (aka Poppie) and he built and operated his own saw mill all by himself.  I think the paneling and beams in my own house were made in his saw mill from trees on my property.  He used to make inlaid clocks and furniture as well.  This man was remarkable and was also a war hero.  He carried another wounded soldier on his back, for miles to safety, even while almost dying himself from heavy shrapnel injuries.  If anyone has any suggestions on a coop name or wording for a plaque that I can have made and put on my coop in his memory, I would love to hear them!

P.S.  Carleton's wife Muriel has also been ill at the same time and is suffering from Alzheimer's.  Please keep her in your prayers.
. How about "poppies peeps"?

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