Creative Coop Names

We're history geeks, historical reenactors, and live in an 18thc. house in New Hampshire. When we got our coop and first chickens last year, we added "period style features" to our coop so that it looked nice with our old home. We made a diamond paned leaded window, added a punched tin lantern night light on the outside, etc. All around the area we built a fence of fairly tall sapling trees we cut down in the woods. When we stood back looking at our lovely coop, my hubby said, "With that fence around it, it looks like a stockade fort like at 17thc. Jamestown", LOL!
That gave us the idea for our coop name!
We had a long, weathered, salvaged 18thc. board. Hubby is creative and has an art degree. He painted 'FORT ORPINGTON' with black paint on the board in 17thc. style script!
(We have 6 buff orpington hens).
We also cut a tall tree as a flag pole and put it up by the coop. We fly our late 17thc. British flag, to complete the picture---(We are historical reenactors, belonging to a Brit rev war group among other things.)
Here are a few photos, but you can see more on our own website here:





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In 2007 be bought an RV and named it Lil'House. In 2010 I built a garden shed, and we named it Lil'Barn. so of course, our coop has to be named: Lil'Coop. ;-)
I made 3 signs one that welcomes you
Rise and Shine Mother Cluckers
Then the one on the coop for the chickens is The Chick Inn
And the duck coop is the quack shack
Well we call our three acres in the country "Acorn Acres" (we have eight full grown oak trees and moved in during a rather prolific fall). So when I came up with my little powder blue and green "Swiss Chalet" style A-Frame coop I chose the play-on-words name of "Eggcorn Chalet"

It wasn't until later that I found out that "Eggcorn" wasn't just a play on words, it really is a word!

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