Creative Coop Names

Crack N' Egg :

Our last name is Fisch...and we own a Scuba diving business and we have it could be nothing but

"Fisch n' Chicks

Love it

My coop is the "Clucking Clubana" (designed and built my me, with a little bit of help from DH, who didn't want me using the circular saw and lifting the real heavy stuff)
My coop hasn't even been started yet, but we have been collecting wood, windows, etc. to use in the build. Most of the wood came from a wonderful 92 year old Christian man who just recently (last week) left us to be with the Lord. We are friends of the whole family and I would like to dedicate my coop in his memory. The man's name was Carleton Treat (aka Poppie) and he built and operated his own saw mill all by himself. I think the paneling and beams in my own house were made in his saw mill from trees on my property. He used to make inlaid clocks and furniture as well. This man was remarkable and was also a war hero. He carried another wounded soldier on his back, for miles to safety, even while almost dying himself from heavy shrapnel injuries. If anyone has any suggestions on a coop name or wording for a plaque that I can have made and put on my coop in his memory, I would love to hear them!

P.S. Carleton's wife Muriel has also been ill at the same time and is suffering from Alzheimer's. Please keep her in your prayers.
What about 'The Carleton' or 'Carleton's re-Treat'. 'Poppie's Pavilion'
Such a nice thing to do. I'm sure Mr Treat will be smiling down, at his name's sake, from his spot in heaven. Good luck in your search.
God bless,
Mine is still in the planning/building stage, but since I have a cabin that is painted green and a greenhouse that is painted red, I think the coop will be green and red. Combine that with the fact that I listen to Christmas music nearly year round, I think I'm leaning toward "The Cheery Chicksmas Coop" or some version thereof. I have loved reading all the names on here. People are so clever!

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