Creative Coop Names

That's really ingenious CockerDoodleDuo! Thanks for sharing the pic.

Gold Coaster
Our coop is going to be called Wallpa Wasi. It's Quechua for "chicken house". My partner does research in Ecuador, and is learning Quechua, so we thought it was a fun name.
My husband constructed two coops - one for our big gals, another for our bantams. -first coop was dubbed the 'Coop' de Ville, and the second - Mini Cooper.
We have been trying to get a good name for our coop too with no luck until just now. Our coop is named "The True Grit Inn". As soon as we found out we had a rooster we named him Mr. Cogburn (as in Rooster Cogburn from the movie True Grit). Mr. Cogburn was named before the coop was even started to be built and that's how I just came up with the coop name. Any John Wayne fan will see the humor.
That is exactly what I named my rooster! Before I even bought my chickens, I knew that my rooster was going to be named Cogburn!
Does that mean your chickens are named Mal, Jayne, Wash, Zoe, Kaylee, Shepherd, Inara, Simon, and River?
Oh, and we can't forget Mr. Universe.
And if you have a Saffron, you should keep a close eye on her.

My coop just got christened Ser'hen'ity also...

These are my chicken's names:

Zoe; the Danish Browncoat Leghorn




Yolanda / Saffron / Bridget (respectively)

And in the event my coop is attacked by Reavers (Raccoons, Possum, etc)

I will enlist my dog, River:

...because no power in the 'verse can stop her.


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