Creek on Property...Would they Swim Away?

More like running a fence along the creek itself and having access to just a pool of water from the creek. That's what I was thinking since I think fencing the creek off itself would be a very high maintenance ordeal. Plus it might be illegal to obstruct or alter creeks here. I wish it weren't so complicated but I don't want to have to keep my ducks penned up all the time either :(

Very pretty!! My ducks and geese go to the stream daily at the back of my property, which can get running strong with mountain snow runoff, but spend most of their time in the common traffic area near coop. They are always back by evening feeding time, too.
Yeah I'm wondering if I provide them with a tub in their pen and only let them out when I let the chickens out (usually 1pm-dusk when if we're home) that they would mostly hang around the yard like the chickens and not even care about the creek too much. I guess I could always try it and if all my ducks disappear I'll know why...hahaha. I would prefer not to put up a fence since we love our view of the creek from our house.
They may ignore it. If they can see it or hear it they will probably get in it. Mine prefer to jog out to the creek instead of using the kiddie pool that is in their run. Even my hen that is setting will go out to the creek to bathe instead of using the kiddie pool. I just have wire field fencing up so it doesn't hamper the view. We can't see our creek, its minimum of 15' into the woods.
I'm sure they'll want to play in it. I'll have to discuss it with the family and see what they want to do.
I like your drawing though very nice idea. The river down below us is about 75 yrds from the house but they can only hear it, there's woods in between so it's not that accessible although they could go down anytime when they are out of the fence. Them woods are scary
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It may be ugly, but why not try T-posts and some plastic garden fencing or that horrible, orange, plastic construction fence material! Put the posts into the ground at each end of the section stretched across the creek curve as you drew it, supporting the material.

It won't restrict the water flow and it will create a visual barrier for your duckies. They might still swim under it if doesn't go along the bottom of the creek, but if you have a foot or two of it beneath the surface of the water, that might deter their submarine swimming near the fence. Just two or three feet above the water surface should deter hopping over it.

Just my thoughts...
We do have some green field fence and t posts laying around. I need to find someone to help me put them in because I'm a wimp :p.

I'm determined to have ducks so I'll see what I can do. I can always raise them and keep them confined until I figure out the creek problem. Whatever I do I'll have to wait until August when the creek is low and slow before I can do anything.
It's pretty steep to get up there. Could they get up even if their wings are clipped? The bank is closer to the water level since the creek is high. The waterfall is actually stepping stones, so they're usually exposed for the most part :)

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