Crested Breed Photo Contest!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I don't know... It might complicate judging a bit! If someone else enters their pic of a duck I will judge the ducks too!!!
I have a crested duck...

Name: Holly
Breed: Chocolate Orpington (though she has red feathers so... I'm just waiting to see :) )
Age: 4 weeks
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Turbo and Que Sera
5 days old and 2 days old.

I was really just kidding and by the way who can compete with Holly.
She is the prettiest duck I have ever seen.
Turbo and Que Sera Runners 5 days old and 2 days old. I was really just kidding and by the way who can compete with Holly. :lol: She is the prettiest duck I have ever seen.
Thank you! She really is a beauty... I'm excited for her to grow up Look at that crest on Que Sera!!!! HUGE!!!! She's more marshmallow than duck
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Thank you. I should have said Que Sera and Turbo. This is an old pic that I use for my advitar. Turbo is the one with the big crest and he passed away sadly he was the sweetest little thing. I still have Que Sera she will be a year old next month.
Thank you.  I should have said Que Sera and Turbo.  This is an old pic that I use for my advitar.  Turbo is the one with the big crest and he passed away sadly he was the sweetest little thing.  I still have Que Sera she will be a year old next month.

Oh no! I'm sorry! Are they white runners?
Turbo was a fawn and white runner. Que Sera is part runner but she looks just like a runner.

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