Crested ducks- gender?


Faith & Feathers
11 Years
May 1, 2011
Olathe, Kansas
Hi there!
I'm more of a chicken person than a duck person, but my grandma got some crested ducks around Easter time and I have to wonder what gender they are. They have no distinguishingly male or female features so I wasn't sure whether they were male or female. She had 5 to begin with but now there are only 2 and I was just hoping they would be a couple. They're not tame and just swim around our lake house so I won't be able to handle them to find out thier gender if needed.

If one of them or both them are males you can tell by the tale, it will have one curled feather.
They may not have a drake feather on the tail yet. My male that was an early April hatcher is just starting to show a drake feather.

You can tell by quacking or rasping. If it is a true quack, it is a girl. If it is a very hoarse attempt at a quack, it is a boy.
I have a group of 6 White Crested, one Golden Hybrid and one Khaki Campbell that I bought as 2 day old chicks on April 17. They are now almost 2 months old. Only one White Crested has a quack. The rest have a rasp. None have the curly tail. Which are they - drake or duck?

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