crop bra?


10 Years
May 24, 2009
Temperance, MI
Hi Guys,
I have a chick 4 weeks old who from day 5 has had crop problems. I flush with baking soda and gave nystatin for 7 days. It still balloons up
Last week I tried putting him back in with the other chicks he attacked the others for a bit then seemed to settle down. Yesterday I checked him out and he had a peck mark on his huge crop so I pulled him out along with one who has a bloodied leg ( cleaned up that ones leg and put blue kote on it.)
Put them both in the hospital cage flushed the crop again got most out.
And I put a crop bra on him.
Back when I raised parrots and cockatiels I had to do that with one of my tiels and it worked so I figured why not try it with the chick?
Has anyone else used a crop bra? And did it work?
To flush you use baking soda and water. Glenda has a post on it here.

To make a crop bra you use vet wrap and cut it sort of like a H warp one end under wings the other end around the neck. Here is a pic of one of my tiels with hers on

If you google it you'll find more info on it... I haven't seen mention of it here but it is common with parrots so I figured I'd give it a try with my chick. Time will tell if it works.
Well this am is the 1st morning after putting him in the crop bra and it is the first time I have seen his crop flat in a month
Looks like this may do it
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His crop till looks a lot better I need to redo his crop bra because it is sliding down but here are a couple pictures to show kind of how it works
Think of it as a halter top one end wraps under the wings around the back the other goes around the neck

The top and bottom have to be long enough to go around the chick and the middle large enough to hold the crop up. Vet wrap works great for this but you have to check daily to be sure it is not to tight on the chick. This is a pic I did up of it.

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