Crop not responding to treatment

And this is her poop from Thursday night, just for comparison
I think I'd try a flush.
I did the flush yesterday morning by offering the molasses solution for 8 hours (went ahead and let all 4 birds have it) then switched back to clean water with probiotics (I’ve been making up fresh probiotic water each day while she was on the miconazole… which yesterday was her last day of the 7 day treatment). Her poop last night looks pretty much like all the recent photos I’ve posted. Crop very full of food and water when she goes to roost at night and then is very firm and doughy in the AM. I have copper sulfate being delivered today. Should I try it or do another round of miconazole? Or do another molasses flush? I am wondering at this point if she is impacted further down the digestive tract. Last night I saw her EAT two pieces of the pine shavings that I use on the floor of the coop and on the nest boxes (I use dry mulched up leaves that we collect each fall in their covered run and attached covered run).
Also your thoughts on continuing the Miconazole or doing the copper sulfate? I want to try some of these as needed but obviously need to do them in the right order if it turns out they are needed.
Is her crop still sour?

You've given miconazole twice a day for 7 days correct? I'd see if the flush makes a difference. It's almost like she's got a blockage, so getting things moving may resolve it all.
Is her crop still sour?

You've given miconazole twice a day for 7 days correct? I'd see if the flush makes a difference. It's almost like she's got a blockage, so getting things moving may resolve it all.
I never had any real confirmation that her crop was ever sour. No smell, just doughy and never completely empty. So based on the length of time that it stayed full it was recommended by several here that I treat it with the miconazole twice daily for 7 days which I did. I will do the flush this morning. Can you confirm that I should be letting her stay with the flock and eat and drink as she pleases while I am treating her?
A crop that is doughy, generally will be turning sour, so I agree, treating as such is always a good idea.

See how she does after the flush and if the crop begins to empty.

I never withhold food/water from any bird that I'm treating for a crop problem. Some people do, but I don't.
I agree… she needs the nutrients!

I am worried about the poop (loose but not super watery) that I have seen the last few days. I am seeing a lot of fiber that looks like wood shavings in it and I did witness her eat a few pieces a day or so ago. I have since taken all the pine bedding out of the chicken house and nest boxes and replaced it with the dry mulched leaves that I use in the covered run. But my question is this: I don’t feel anything like shavings in her crop (that feels like it has a ton of grit in it) so could she have a wad of shavings in her intestines? And can she even remotely pass that??
UPDATE: I want to give an update on how Goose is doing. After days, and days, and DAYS of massages, extra syringed water, miconazole, stool softener, molasses and several other crop treatments we were getting nowhere. She had a doughy crop each morning, a large practically overflowing crop at roosting time and super watery diarrhea multiple times through the day and night. I started her on acidified copper sulfate 4 days ago and am relieved to report that her crop and stools are miraculously back to normal!
hi, i just came across this and i am going thru the EXACT same thing and have been doing exactly what you did. i was considering doing and epsom salt flush but i’m curious about the copper sulphate

can you pls tell me exactly what you did ? i have powder form of blue copper sulphate that i use for my horses is that the same stuff ? would appreciate any information !

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