Crop Surgery?

unfortunately, I can't get those this time of year. I thought of that, but as course they aren't available.
yeah the super glue sticks when you (in general term meaning) have aC section they glue you together basically with super glue. I is possible to do it by yourself but I have my husband to help me because ( this is me only) if the hen moves and I have the knife I could do real damage to the hen.

Here is what you need get some betadine a clean cloth a sharp knife or a exacto knife. you know the kind tand tweezer wash a razor blade to cut with anyhow

pick a spot where you want you make the hole you may have to pull feathers and make sue you dont cut any big blood vessels that woud be bad of course ok

Seralize the cutting tool of your choise you just need something that can cut and not rip lay the hen on her back if she fusses let her calm down you coud put something over her head this eems to calm all anamals

serilized you sharp knife with the benadine or use fire, it is easier I think with the thing you are to cut with

rub benedine on where you are to cut ,

Once you cut into the crop there is a little blood don't fret it will only be a few drops

make a hole large enogh to get things out, It need not be very big, I made my holes the size of a quarter or half dollar

once you do this take the tweenzers and retreive the contents of the crop it may small some mine didn't

as soon as you get everything out rinse it out with salt water, the water needs enough salt they you can taste it you an put it more but this will do (salt with help with no infection.

it once you rinse it out take the suprer glue make sure the area is dry no seeping out

take the suprer glue and bring together the hole so there is no hole sqeeze the super glue on the closed hole and keepit close till it dries a little. I find if you blow on the super clue it helps wonce it is closed with out your hel put some more on to make sure it stays closed. The super glue will feel like a lunp but was the hole heals the super glue was disolve

If you are having trouble still wrap yu hen in a towel but keep aware if the hen gets to panting she is to hot this should not take long I don't know how long seemed to be around 20 minutes gie or take.

Hay guys...I'm looking for after care on crop surgery .. we ended up stitching ..wrong super glue I guess..wouldn't. Stick. I put a thin sock over her head.worked great,plus it was late evening. I be had her indoors for three days now. I think she is getting tired of her soft goo...(yogurt,puree veggies) she drinks plenty water. When do I start pellets?
i kept my hen on yogurt and pureed stuff for a couple days, then some soft scrambled eggs, she got bored with it and refused it yesterday, Plus the cage indoors is not big enough for her to move much, so yesterday I put her in the little chicken house under a brooder lamp. I did wet the pellets and she was eating happily, I added more this morning, but had to leave for work, she did roost under the brooder lamp. she came right on down when i was checking on her. SOOOO I just have to leave it to the Lord now and hope she makes it. I'll keep her on the softened pellets at least to the weekend. ANY other suggestions? Do I let her go back to the flock or keep her separate another week if she continues to eat?

Those who have performed crop surgery, can you tell me how you knew your chicken's crop was impacted? Did you feel something in the crop, or take a guess that it was impacted?

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