Cross Continental Friends!!!

No dog, auditioning new candidates.

Dads knee surgery went shockingly well, mom driving me crazy with her own worry. Be glad when dad is home tomorrow.

Tired, sore butt from hospital chairs and the dreadful guest bed at my parents.


cockerel may not make it to roo.. cuz it's to dam early to crow. 5am. is for the birds

Well I had a great day out and about!
Sorry Bill, hope today makes the difference!
How's the rest of the world today? Looks like rain but it's to early to tell.
OOPS! I meant to say
Foothills of Chicken Dung!
Now that's more like it.
Hay Megan, Wake up! You'd think you were on vacation or something!
I'm up! Just late again. Oh well, I do enough around here to deserve a a few hours extra sleep. What time are you usually up Nancy?

And Good Morning to Everyone!!! A gorgeous day outside. Feeling like something important was going to happen today but what ever it was I have forgotten!

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