Cross X ??? And weather

Jo Anne

11 Years
Feb 1, 2013
i am raising 15 cross x I got them 1st week in Sept. When the weather was nicer, now it is low 40's at night
I was wondering if how much warmth do they need? I put a heat lamp out for them, it' s been windy and cool lately.
They are 6 weeks old now right? They are too old for additional heat. My CX were without heat at 4 weeks, and we have dipped bellow freezing a couple times now. No problem.

I have 25, 8 week old CX now.
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Keep them dry and give them shelter from the wind and you shouldn't have any problem. Wet and chilled will make them sick pretty fast. They generate so much body heat. The summer heat is much harder on them than the cool weather. I've heard other folks say theirs did fine even in the 20's.

I would expect at some point that they will convert a little more of their food energy to maintaining body heat. They would have otherwise lent that to their growth. How cold that would be, I don't know. This is my first year raising them in the fall. So far, I have liked it much better. They seem to like it much better too.

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