crossing a game rooster with a dominic hen

ok sorry its taking so long ...the Dominique hen got hurt by a raccoon sense i moved her and she died just today i put another one in a pen with my game roo and raccoon proofed my pen so i guess i try again....
well there hatching...i have 2 hatched and 2 more that are pipped

one problem though.....i am also hatching Dominicks and the chicks look the same!
Differences may be pronounced enough to see as flight feathers come in over next two weeks. Assuming your game rooster is not a grey of some sort, then all chicks should exhibit extended black (base color all black). What color is the rooster and is he pure for that color pattern (from true breeding line).

I will be setting a about 36 dominique hen x game rooster (ginger color pattern) eggs this weekend and pure doms and pure games will be hatched along side as controls. Resulting hybrid pullets should be black and cockerols should be barred but dark like a hen dominique rather than light like a rooster.
my rooster is black breasted red old engish and i think he is full blooded at least thats what the guy i got him from said and he looks it...i guess i will just have to wait...there is only one im sure is the hybrid the chick has some white on is belly other than that its all black even its beak is jet black...
Show some photographs. I suspect first generation dominique x game (F1) will appear darker than pure dom, despite the black bred red old english having the chipmunk coloration at hatch. Can you show picture of rooster. In just over 3 weeks I should have photographs of pure game for comparison. Game hen should start setting today.
Here is one of my F1 stag out of a Grey Rooster and a American Dominique Hen.
He has some Gold leaking in the hackle, has a large wing bow and is lacking in barring in the tail. On the plus side he has a very good rose comb, good leg color, a promising type and just needs time to fill out.
This stag will be put back over a 2 American Dominique Hens and 3 American Game hens (One being a Sheldon Roundhead 2 being Butchers) all 5 hens show very good type for there breed.
I hope to start hatching from the breeding pen in late April to early May.

Grey/ American Dominique F1 Stag-

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If not for coloration (white) your bird looks what I hope to get in male F1's although females are what I will be using backcross into pure American doms. Males will be photographed and then go into pot. What did the female counter parts look like? I would think the grey coding would obliterate some of what would otherwise be a nearly black bird and barring would be lacking.

How gamey are the F1 stags?
Mine looked like this last year,but we crossed a barred rock roo with an american game hen.Came out Barred rock Games. All we had were roos,but they taste the same.

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