Crow collar- need help getting it right : (


Dec 30, 2021
So we have a Silver Campine cockerel (smallish-medium breed) about 4 months old and we bought that one very popular crow collar on Etsy, but I can't seem to get it on him right. He keeps taking it off after hours of pecking the front/side of it lol. I think maybe i put it on too loose?
He is able to turn it around the neck quite a bit after messing with it (which makes the wide big part of the collar that's supposed to be in the front of neck move to the sides) but I believe the instructions said that I should be able to stick a finger in between, so I put it on to where i can snuggly fit my pinky in :/
His front/side neck feathers don't cover the collar much I guess because his breed has hen feathering for the roosters. Anyone please have any helpful advice/tips? Really appreciate it 😮‍💨
Also I did get the collar in "standard" size, maybe its too big too? He's not a bantam by any means though. It covers a lot of his neck space.. but since I had it "pinkyfinger-loose" it kind of slides down to the bottom of his neck
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I imagine wearing a tight collar in 90 degree weather? The most humane thing to do is rehome him if they aren't allowed. If you can't keep a standard rooster you might try a cochin bantam.Their crow is a lower pitched and doesn't carry so far. Crow collars kill more roosters than they save. All it takes is putting it on too tight one time.Some say they can't eat anything but crumbles or they choke on their food.
Yeah I really don't want to use the crow collar either, that's what I was telling my dad is they can be pretty dangerous and kill them if not put on right D: My dad just loves this rooster a bunchhh but our neighbors are probably going to kill us soon lool. I've been telling him we probably need to rehome him (somewhere he can crow freely) That would be for the best of the rooster, no collar needed. Just wanted to get y'alls input
Yeah I really don't want to use the crow collar either, that's what I was telling my dad is they can be pretty dangerous and kill them if not put on right D: My dad just loves this rooster a bunchhh but our neighbors are probably going to kill us soon lool. I've been telling him we probably need to rehome him (somewhere he can crow freely), that would be for the best of the rooster, no collar needed. Just wanted to get y'alls input
Cochin bantams make awesome roosters and are an ornamental breed because they're so beautiful.Many people keep them inside as pets.If you HAD to have a rooster he'd be easy to keep inside at night in a dog crate
We own this huge piece of land that we're moving to in a couple or so years, so that's also why its hard to let this really good temperament rooster go 😅 Just bad timing. Thank y'all : ) I'm going to find him a good home
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Cochin bantams make awesome roosters and are an ornamental breed because they're so beautiful.Many people keep them inside as pets.If you HAD to have a rooster he'd be easy to keep inside at night in a dog crate
Actually along with this rooster- we also have mille fleur d'uccle rooster that we are keeping, heheh. His crows are definitely lower in decibels, and he doesn't crow as much. So I wasnt even going to put a collar on him. And we expect that if we get rid of the Silver Campine, leaving him as just the sole rooster, he might crow even less?
We don't really care to have roosters, we just got attached to these before knowing what sex they were 😂

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