Cruel disposal of unwanted chicks?

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Someone Take this Challenge PLEASE .

Go out to your Hen house grab 6 eggs round topped and 3 eggs with a pointed top.
you will get 6 hens and 3 roosters , Tops on hens have to be Rounded the males will look a little pointy I wish i had a egg so i could show you .
Take the challenge PLEASE This was taught to me when i was 12 yrs old 30 yrs ago and so far has never failed .
In response to your challenge: Article by Don Schrider courtesy of Backyard Poultry magazine (Determining sex in chicks)

Quote: Sorry, does not work.

I think she was being a bit sarcastic Fred and trying to make the unrealistic types see the realities of life.

If there was a market for these birds then I think it would already exist as people who are in it to make a living do not willingly throw away money. The feed conversion factor is poor for these cockerels and to try and make it otherwise is fantasy.

I read an old Almanac that Ford Co. produced back in 1957 and there was a blurb in it about dipping eggs in hormones to produce the sex of choice. Haven't had time to do further research but I would have to believe that if the idea was around back then that it would have found its way to the commercial chicken industry by now.

Thanks Jim!!!!
I was being sarcastic. Did you see that guy come at me like that?!?!?!?! Hahahahaha.

Why not write each and every poultry farm that does this and instruct them to sex their eggs! Then when they get it wrong....Tell them to send me them blender babies and I will grow them and sell the meat. Okay...I'll stop

Actually it has for me , Maybe it only works for the chickens that are the fighting chickens since The owner had 6 batches of nothing but roosters .

I do not know but he proved it to me like i said i was 12.

I did not come at anyone and i am not a guy.
but i figured it would be better then another Genetically modified being like the Rooster or the Fish they already have out .

Again my 2 cents and i will be hatching eggs this fall. Tammy
So chickens are way different then humans ? since the man determins the sex of humans the rooster is just the sperm donor ?

Like i said he showed me when i was 12 it worked for us when we did it and that was 30 plus yrs ago. he also might of pulled my leg too but im going with his method here its all i can do since i am not allowed any roos. Thanks Tammy
So chickens are way different then humans ? since the man determins the sex of humans the rooster is just the sperm donor ?

Like i said he showed me when i was 12 it worked for us when we did it and that was 30 plus yrs ago. he also might of pulled my leg too but im going with his method here its all i can do since i am not allowed any roos. Thanks Tammy
Im also not the only one with this way of sexing eggs .
Don't know if you were talking to me, but if you were, I wasn't necessarily saying that grinding unwanted chicks is inhumane. I'd have to see it to know. If it takes just a split second before it's over, then I would say it's not a bad way to go. In my last post, I was merely making the point that I think both pets and livestock should be treated humanely since both have the capacity for suffering. This often seems to be a point of contention, with many people believing that time and resources should not be "wasted" on treating livestock humanely.
Agreed But not every chick dies some hatcheries put them in garbage cans on top of each other till some sufficate threw the weight and some get the bag put over their heads while peeping and then die a slow painful death. Thats when it gets me the slow painful death.

i wonder sometimes do these people have families .
some hatcheries put them in garbage cans on top of each other till some sufficate threw the weight and some get the bag put over their heads while peeping and then die a slow painful death.
Yes, I am aware of that, and do not condone that. I was referring only to the grinding up disposal method, as I had indicated.
I'm sure that I'll be stirring up a hornet's nest by saying this, but I always wonder about the folks who say that it is wrong to kill animals because the Bible says "Thou shall not kill". If one took that literally, as so many vegetarians SAY they do, then all they would be eating is leaves... because when you eat the roots of a plant you kill it, when you eat the fruit/seeds of a plant you are killing the embryonic plant. Only the leaves would be fair game because it is possible to remove a certain percentage of them without killing the plant. And even if their motive for being vegetarian is because they believe that animals have feelings while plants do not, research flies in the face of that... indeed, plants do communicate. , ,

It is MY belief that all the plants and animals of the world were put here for us to carefully tend and to utilize to the fullest extent possible.

They couldn't eat anything. All life is created from death. The soil is made of death, decomposed plants and animals. Fertilizer comes from bone, blood and manure. Plants must have these things to survive and we must have them to survive. There is a greater circle than most vegans realize, that makes their personal beliefs sound kind of petty. No offense to them. Until someone figures out how to satisfy the ethics of every person on this planet, there will be "unpleasantness" in the quest for survival.
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