Crushed baby chick help!


Jun 3, 2021
Northeast Pennsylvania
Hi all, long time stalker - first post. Have to say how amazing this community is ❤.
I recieved a mail order tonight (first time I did it, will not again, the anxiety about did me in). 2 DOA (crushed). 5 fine. 1 squished but still alive. I pulled him out and he is stuck with his feet pulled up by his head and can't walk at all (grey silkie, just lost one so.. chicken math). Any suggestions? He drinks, not really eating (made mash). He has been in my hands since I got him as when he is alone he squaks like mad and flips everywhere and the others peck. Is there anything I can do? Thanks.
Hi if you will also post your request for help in the emergencies section, you may get more input. Im far from an "emergencies and diseases" expert. But glad you finally joined BYC. I also lurked for Years before i finally joined; wish i had done so when i first discovered this incredible site. ♥️
I'd try some water with electrolytes and vitamins in and try and feed him scrambled egg. If he won't eat and drink then use a syringe by the side of his beak. He could have been squashed and injured or he could have a congenital malformation, just be weak etc.

Not knowing what is wrong with him, I don't think there is much else you can do besides care for him the best you can, hope for the best and prepare for the worst. 💙

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