CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

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Aoxa, thanks, I love the pattern, too. Throw a pattern into the SOP mix and it's yet one more thing to work on, though. It's the same male in all 3 pics. I did have a second for awhile, but he simply wasn't adding anything to the mix, so he's gone now.
I like number two picture nice color hope more will get them from you and help re populate this color pattern. They are as rare as any Plymouth Rocks on Earth Right now. I should know I use to be the Club Sectary. Dick Horstsman has some and your line and that's about all I have seen. Anyone have any Partridge they are willing to post pictures of. They are super rare as well. Thanks for the Pictures Wynette .

Partridge hen

Nice female above. Thank you for the picture. Your Silver Rocks I think have had some bantam blood put in them to improve the color. Today it seems every Tom Dick and Harry person is crossing some-ting of one thing or another in their birds. Maybe they had to or wanted to see what would happen. It will be a haunting thing however to get your birds back up to size. However, as a breeder if I had a nice male with good color and type and he weighed 8 pounds I would be happy. So he is not a 11 pound bird like most mid west white rocks. He is close to standard and he is a good representative of the color pattern and breed. He may never win best Rock at a show because judges want such large birds but you are a breeder not a point chaser. There is a difference. I would much better be know as a good breeder than some master breeder who scored 100 points for some breed or National Chicken club.

Today I was talking to a friend about White Wyandottes he told me a guy was crossing his Whites which are very true to type on White Rocks to make them bigger. Here we go again on this fad of crossing a different breeds onto a breed to make them bigger ect. It wont be long that no chicken in a America will be pure. They always got to cross something on to a breed. In the long run it comes back to bight you in the butt. A guy had some nice White Rock bantams and they started to look like White Oprington bantams. Then a guy told me a fellow 20 years ago crossed his White Wyandotte bantams onto his White Rock bantams and the customers 15 years latter have to fight the faults.

Its what Schilling who use to preach at the Madison Square Garden Shows Faddists its a evil thing that so many people get into in poultry. We are seeing this today in Goverment things that we take for granted are being taken away from us. You wonder in ten years if we will have to pay a tax to have chickens. Fad ism is a evil think in chickens. Always has and always will be. Cant we just go along with the Standard and get over it.

Out side in the cold and freeze my hands off for one more our. Joesph what a pleasure talking to you last night. I am so proud of your success and knowing you will be a good Stewart to these old breeds you have. Steve nice talking to you today. Make me a snow man and take a picture of it. Matt more people want those stupid Mowhawk large fowl Reds. What are we going to do.??

I still like those Silver Pencilled Rocks you have. Pick the biggest eggs hatch form the biggest hens you have, hatch early as you can and in time they will get a little bigger. Still one of the best lines in the USA. bob

Got some private messages about heads. I was saying to Wynette that we sometimes struggle for a good arch on the back of the heads of our females. Wynette, I thought I'd just go ahead and post this plate. I'll have to look for a plate that shows good and/or ideal heads. If someone has a good plate for that, post away.
Here's a couple of photos of good heads, to my eye. Remember folks. I'm just a farmer, so take it as just one guy's eye looking here.
Sorry there aren't enough pixels in these photos to really zoom in. Maybe someone can contribute some good examples.

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Got some private messages about heads. I was saying to Wynette that we sometimes struggle for a good arch on the back of the heads of our females. Wynette, I thought I'd just go ahead and post this plate. I'll have to look for a plate that shows good and/or ideal heads. If someone has a good plate for that, post away.

#6 is a good example of a crow head.

Here's a couple of photos of good heads, to my eye. Remember folks. I'm just a farmer, so take it as just one guy's eye looking here.
Sorry there aren't enough pixels in these photos to really zoom in. Maybe someone can contribute some good examples.

They all have good heads, but the straight on shot of a head is the proof.....if available

It is interesting to see the last Schilling print. The Halbachs are still raising white Rocks in Waterford WI......... that is 100 years of raising white Rocks.

They all have good heads, but the straight on shot of a head is the proof.....if available

It is interesting to see the last Schilling print. The Halbachs are still raising white Rocks in Waterford WI......... that is 100 years of raising white Rocks.


The Halbachs have some of the very nicest. What's nuts is to see birds today that carbon copy of that old Schilling print. I also love the Volk bird in the center.

Speeking of Halbach in Waterford..My daughter did 4H 25 years ago and this is one of her birds from the Halbachs..We lived in Burlington/Waterford.
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