CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

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I have a question about English Orpingtons. Should they look like Cochins without foot feathering? It seems like every time I see an English Orp they resemble a Cochin without foot feathering. Is that correct type for an English Orp?
I have a question about English Orpingtons. Should they look like Cochins without foot feathering? It seems like every time I see an English Orp they resemble a Cochin without foot feathering. Is that correct type for an English Orp?
Good question! We haven't covered Cochins yet, have we? Otherwise I wasn't paying attention and have to go back! LOL
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Only thing is, will the numbers change when the thread is edited for cleanup?

Good question!  We haven't covered Cochins yet, have we?  Otherwise I wasn't paying attention and have to go back!  LOL

Nope, we haven't done Cochins. They are in the Asiatic class, and right now were on the English. When we do get to Cochins I will be for sure very involved with the discussion!
I have a question about English Orpingtons. Should they look like Cochins without foot feathering? It seems like every time I see an English Orp they resemble a Cochin without foot feathering. Is that correct type for an English Orp?

According to the British Standard they should not look like Cochins. Their Standard says: (some small wording changes to not violate copyright) the feathering is fairly profuse but close to the body NOT soft, loose and fluffy like a Cochin.

You have seen them.......some look like Cochins. Calling them Cochins without foot feathering riles some folks up, but that's what they look like to me too. The problem as I see it is that the Brit judges are not following their Standard and are judging to fads. Here in the US you have to see the hocks of the bird to conform with the APA Standard.

cochin is part of the history of all orps as well as black hamburg,rock,langshan..even dorking in white orp..recently brits added cochin to keep the highly stressed "type" no type..no orpington..in effort to bring up the cobby big frame..unfortunatly the feathers came with that so some US breeders are trying to work that out..they should not look like a cochin, nor should they look like buff leghorn.its a balancing act, and an evolution..

sorry i have a better

standard pic but on tablet, wont let me do much .

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cochin is part of the history of all orps as well as black hamburg,rock,langshan..even dorking in white orp..recently brits added cochin to keep the highly stressed "type" no type..no orpington..in effort to bring up the cobby big frame..unfortunatly the feathers came with that so some US breeders are trying to work that out..they should not look like a cochin, nor should they look like buff leghorn.its a balancing act, and an evolution..

sorry i have a better

standard pic but on tablet, wont let me do much .

I love the hen you posted Lynne. That's what I'm shooting for. The photo of the pullet on my avatar was taken when she was 5 months old. She looks like the above girl now. You have one of her chicks, Dior, and again, here is the other at 5 months.
The Pest........

I think your program is brilliant Vickie..I am so excited to watch these baby buffs by Dior develop..Right now they are baby sitting white orps just hatched..I would never trust my baby australorps to baby sit..they would beat the tar out of new babies..not the baby buffs..remember that rooster putting up with dior hiding under him to lay an egg? the buff babies weeks older open up thier wings and let the new babies right under them..so sweet to watch..never seen anything quite like it..I usually have to have a devider in there with aussies..

I find it interesting in so many european and australian as well as belgium german even russian breeders turn time and again to the black orp to fix things..even in buffs..amazing..Blk orp are such a valuable bird thou not a great back yard egg layer and not the prettiest dressed bird..they are a foundation to most everything good in orps..I posted an australian breeders adventures with buff breeding over on orp thread for you..it was interesting and hes pretty entertaining in his descriptions of the 2 types of orp....
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You all are really making me want Orpingtons!

That color is so beautiful Vicky! I'm a bit nuts when it comes to redheads; just love 'em, and this is the most beautiful redhead in the chicken world!
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You all are really making me want Orpingtons!

That color is so beautiful Vicky! I'm a bit nuts when it comes to redheads; just love 'em, and this is the most beautiful redhead in the chicken world!
Thank you ! Nothing prettier than Buffs ranging on green grass . Then all you really see are fluffy butts though !
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