CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

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For oil supplementation I would add Hollywood brand safflower oil to the list, it is processed in a way that retains the essential fatty acids in safflower seeds and is supplemented with Vitamin E, which help support immune and skin health.
One of the downsides of online chat groups is that the subtleties of normal conversation can often be lost, as normal conversation includes nuances of voice and body language that are so helpful when having discussions. Emoticons are sometimes used to help express non-verbal cues, but for some situations they may be a little too light hearted. I have been flamed by those who did not recognize a tongue-in-cheek comment. We all can appreciate a little humor, and hopefully can be a little forgiving if the attempts are maybe hard to spot right away. This is a more serious group than most, but it is nice to see a little classroom humor at times. Nothing said has been meant in a derogatory way, and we certainly thank those who's expert opinions have contributed so much to our understanding.

CSU Announcement

OK Folks, will be wrapping up the unit tonight. Tomorrow, we'll be closed for our usual house cleaning of extraneous posts and other chit chat having nothing to do with the classroom topic. We'll be re-opening with the Barnevelder.

We are working our way through the American Poultry Association's Continental class.

Edit: We inadvertently omitted listing the Marans in the Continental Class listing. We'll get them!!
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oh, cool!!!!!

I have one standard colored and one blue rooster and 5 standard colored girls
these are the most recent photos I have of them.

self assessment on the standard colored rooster is he needs better tail angle and he has some lighter colored fluff at the base of his tail. the blue rooster has better tail angle

the girls have better tail angles overall. hoping that transfers to their offspring.

would love a critique. they are on alert in these photos because we had our new LGD-in training out and he likes to chase chickens still...sigh.

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oh, cool!!!!!

I have one standard colored and one blue rooster and 5 standard colored girls
these are the most recent photos I have of them.

self assessment on the standard colored rooster is he needs better tail angle and he has some lighter colored fluff at the base of his tail. the blue rooster has better tail angle

the girls have better tail angles overall. hoping that transfers to their offspring.

would love a critique. they are on alert in these photos because we had our new LGD-in training out and he likes to chase chickens still...sigh.

Nice healthy looking flock ! Have you tried a shock collar on that LGD ? One or two zaps was all it took with my Mastiffs.
Put a piece of tape over the warning buzzer, and don't use it. Your voice is the warning.Any more questions, just PM me.
Thanks! I will do that!!!

I wish I had the skill with a camera to capture the irridescence of the plumage. The feathers are so gorgeous when the sun hits them. Closest in the photos I guess is that one where the flash went off. But my camera is not the best. All the photos lack the crispness that I have seen in other people's photos. Are other people's autofocuses better or are they really good at manually focusing?

I need a "photography of chickens 101" course!!!
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